Forum Discussion
Mar 21, 2020Copper Contributor
Create Teams from csv
I am trying to create Teams from a CSV file My Csv: Mail TeamsName TeamsDescription Type TypeTemplate Owners EV0123 EV - Prova Descrizione1 Private EDU_Class SN0123 ...
Apr 23, 2020Brass Contributor
Hi there, i had found a very similar script in another website.
a guy called Andrew West had said in the comments that that the alias and the AccessType should be changed.
Its in:
Do let us know if your script works with those changes.
- MariusPretoriusNov 25, 2020Steel Contributor
I am successfully using the script from Create teams in Microsoft Teams through CSV using PowerShell | JiJi Technologies to create multiple teams, including the channels and adding members simultaneously, from a prepared CSV file.
N.B. I made two small changes to the script.
- Preparation:
- I ran PowerShell in Admin mode
- I ensured that I had installed the current version of the MicrosoftTeams PowerShell module. I ran the following command in PowerShell (in admin mode) Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 1.1.6
- I made the two highlighted changes to script in the function Create-NewTeam:
- $group = New-Team -MailNickName $team.TeamsName -displayname $team.TeamsName -Template $team.TeamType
- In the original script it uses -Alias instead of -MailNickName and -AccessType instead of -Template
- My CSV file had the following headers and example content
TeamsName TeamType ChannelName Owners Members 21Accounting11 EDU_class Channel1; Channel2; - The Team Type is important - you need that in an educational setting to create Class type teams.
- RicMerceneApr 14, 2021Copper Contributor
MariusPretorius Luca VALENTINO EDU_ictGeek
Good day!
I really need your help... please....
I tried your codes but nothing happened....
attached is my .csv file for reference and below (here) is my code...
function Create-Channel
param (
$teamchannels = $ChannelName -split ";"
for($i =0; $i -le ($teamchannels.count - 1) ; $i++)
New-TeamChannel -GroupId $GroupId -DisplayName$teamchannels[$i]
}function Add-Users
$teamusers = $Users -split ";"
for($j =0; $j -le ($teamusers.count - 1) ; $j++)
if($teamusers[$j] -ne $CurrentUsername)
Add-TeamUser -GroupId $GroupId -User$teamusers[$j] -Role $Role
}function Create-NewTeam
param (
Import-Module MicrosoftTeams
$cred = Get-Credential
$username = $cred.UserName
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $cred
$teams = Import-Csv -Path $ImportPath
foreach($team in $teams)
$getteam= get-team |where-object { $_.displayname -eq$team.TeamsName}
If($getteam -eq $null)
Write-Host "Start creating the team: " $team.TeamsName
$group = New-Team -DisplayName $team.TeamsName -displayname $team.TeamsName -Template $team.TeamType
Write-Host "Creating channels..."
Create-Channel -ChannelName $team.ChannelName -GroupId$group.GroupId
Write-Host "Adding team members..."
Add-Users -Users $team.Members -GroupId $group.GroupId -CurrentUsername $username -Role Member
Write-Host "Adding team owners..."
Add-Users -Users $team.Owners -GroupId $group.GroupId -CurrentUsername $username -Role Owner
Write-Host "Completed creating the team: "$team.TeamsName
}Create-NewTeam -ImportPath "C:\Users\Admin1234\Desktop\1.csv"
Thank you very much. Best Regards.
- MariusPretoriusApr 26, 2021Steel Contributor
It seems your code is missing a function name and opening curly bracket at the beginning and a closing curly bracket below your last line. Your code looks like this:
function Create-Channel
Create-NewTeam -ImportPath "C:\Users\Admin1234\Desktop\1.csv"
It should read like this: (I'm only including the missing code)
Function New-TeamsFromCSV { function Create-Channel . . . Create-NewTeam -ImportPath "C:\Users\Admin1234\Desktop\1.csv" }
Obviously, you have to take a few steps for your code to execute in PowerShell:
- you need to use the PowerShell command line to import the module
import-module TheModuleName.psm1
- I prefer to run PowerShell in Administrator mode to make sure I don't run into permissions problems
- The name of the module you need to import is the (path and the )name of your .psm1 file
- and call the function (run it) as shown below.
Because you are connecting to Teams Admin, you will be asked for your credentials. You need to be a Teams Administrator and provide that username/email address and password. Thereafter you will be flying!
- EDU_ictGeekJan 11, 2021Brass Contributor
Good afternoon, thank you for this, its really useful. I will try to emulate to the letter.
This is very kind, thanks again.
- Preparation:
- SivacoumarJun 03, 2020Copper Contributor
I tried the PowerShell Script method to add Bulk Team users. It worked 🙂
- Luca VALENTINOApr 29, 2020Copper Contributor
I managed to create the class groups.
Now I want to insert the members in the various groups but nothing#Connettere a Teams #Connect-MicrosoftTeams function Add-Users { param( $ImportPath #,$CurrentUsername,$Role ) Process { Import-Module MicrosoftTeams $cred = Get-Credential $username = $cred.UserName Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $cred #$teamusers = Import-Csv -Path $ImportPath try{ $teamusers = $Users -split ";" Write-Host "Start add the users: " $Users if($teamusers) { for($j =0; $j -le ($teamusers.count - 1) ; $j++) { if($teamusers[$j] -ne $CurrentUsername) { Add-TeamUser -GroupId $GroupName -User $teamusers[$j] } } } } Catch { } } } Add-Users -ImportPath "C:\PC\OFFICE 365\Gruppi_membri_team.csv"