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angela_salesian's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 23, 2020

Microsoft Teams - iPad app

Hi all, 


Due to the current climate, my workplace (secondary school) is switching to using the Microsoft Office platform to deliver our classes remotely. We currently use windows laptops but being a Mathematics teacher I also use my iPad to do particularly tricky sketches. 


My current problem is that I have downloaded Microsoft teams to my iPad and it is the latest version, however I am unable to make "meetings" on the iPad. This feature is enabled by the school as I can do it on my laptop. 


I have looked into trouble shooting the issue and it seems to have been an issue since 2017 but none of the trouble shooting I've tried has worked. 


A colleague of mine started a meeting which I was then able to join on my iPad, but I am unable to actually find the button or where on the app I can start a meeting from. 


Is anyone able to please share some insight as to what I can do? Alternatively provide me with a recommendation on how I can use my iPad as a tablet to then connect to my laptop so I can continue to sketch on that; cast the iPad screen to my laptop and then I can share my screen (laptop) with the students? 


Apologies for the long winded questioning, I want to ensure that I am able to maximise my abilities to teach remotely in this particularly difficult time. 


Kind Regards

  • stephen1729's avatar
    Apr 25, 2020

    AngelaV vladimir_msk 

    I too am a secondary school Maths teacher!

    We have used OneNote for a few years but have started using Teams since lockdown, so we are all on a steep learning curve!

    We had the same problem and our IT Dept came up with something that worked.

    On a PC (or I used Citrix to remote into my school PC desktop as I am iPad only at home) go to the online version of Teams and go to the Team you are trying to use.

    Click on Files and after a minute or two a “Class Materials” folder should be created here (this is as feature of Class Teams and is where you can store files that you want to be read-only to students - like the Content Library in OneNote).

    Then when you go to the iPad app everything should work properly.

    It worked for me, as they say!

    This should mean you don’t need to use PC and iPad together to create and run meetings.

    I too am a big GoodNotes fan.  a lovely app.

    Hope this helps.


  • HPenk's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    I'm sure by now you've powered through the issue, but I wanted to chime in and give the "low-down" on what makes MS Teams work:

    (1) You need to have an office account.  And yes, you have to be logged into it.  It's not just for email, it's also for all the additional services connected to Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365):  OneDrive, SharePoint, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WhiteBoard, and....Teams.

    (2) All of these services (except SharePoint, which is 100% web based), work BEST when the actual app is used.  You can run many (all?) of them from inside a browser, but downloading and installing an app will always give you the best experience, best performance, and most features.  The bad part about that is that is also means the usual .... "update now" message, because many of these are always being updated, so you need to stay on top of your updates - no deferring updates for 3 weeks!

    (3) To create a meeting, you can go to either the outlook calendar (you read that right "outlook", not "teams") or the calendar built-into Teams.  As it turns out, they're basically the same thing.  Yes - SAME calendar, different names.  When you create a meeting in one it shows up in the other, and vice versa.

    (4) when you want a video meeting ("Teams meeting"), just make sure you toggle that switch.  There's one in Outlook (locations vary based on what version you're using - see below for advice on where to find it) and another one in the Teams calendar view also.

    (5) for "instant" meetings, you can start them in the upper right ("Meet"->"Meet Now") and then type in the addresses of people you want to join you in the meeting.  This will start a meeting with you in it, and then you can instantly invite others to join.  This only works if the other folks are using Teams at the time and are logged in with the same email credentials as the ones you're inviting.  For example, if you invite "" but he's currently logged in as "",  then he's not going to see your instant invite.  After all, Teams will think he's offline ('cause he is...).

    To find those buttons on Teams, my advice is as follows:
    go to (don't google this!).  Then search in youtube using the following terms:  "How to ........ in Microsoft Teams [year] on [Windows 10, iPad, iPhone, Android, etc]."  Fill in the ".....".  I guarantee that you will find at least 50 videos, and some will only be a couple of minutes long, and at least 3 will actually be in English.


    Also, my best bonus advice:  Don't wait for the last minute to have an online meeting.  It's all about preparation.  The night before, make sure your software is updated, make sure you have all your files & links & participant addresses lined up in Teams, etc.  Have a backup plan:  Switch to other gear, another device, etc.  Cell phones WILL WORK in a pinch, but again it helps to have the app preloaded and perhaps even set up with your account.  It kind of sucks when you're 5 minutes late for a 40 minute session and you're unable to remember your password or are waiting for the darn antivirus filter to let you download the app you need to install!  Duh.  Should have done that an hour ago (or last night)!

    Regards & good luck.  And no, you should not bounce your forehead on that tablet.  😞

  • ShortBlack's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    angela_salesian to only use my iPad Pro 2020 for Teams meetings I do the following:

    1. Schedule all Teams meetings using the Outlook calendar app on my iPad (it has an option to make it a Teams meeting)

    2. Use the Teams app on my iPad to join the meeting (includes Video/Audio)



    1. The Teams app only allows the option to 'Blur Background'

    2. There is an option to Share Screen

    3. The web version of Teams using Safari on my iPad Pro does not allow Video


    Hope this helps

    • D_J_L's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Watched the linked video. This works perfect! I can now share my screen!
  • Bijender's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    1. The good news first - Microsoft Teams does work perfectly fine on iPad! I am using iPad Pro.

    2. Only they haven’t let it be simple, commonsensical, intuitive usability  as is norm in most of the apps.

    3. If you want to use any app outside of ms teams then you just can’t open photos or YouTube or any other app. Moment you do that screen sharing stops and the message flashes.

    4. Way out is the ‘MORE...’ section. As you would press it there is ‘Camera’ that takes you to the camera roll as well as white board. Then there is ‘Files’ that takes you to videos and Documents. There is more too. 
    5. So don’t go direct to other apps rather go via ‘More’

  • vladimir_msk's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    Hi, seems I’ve managed to solve this problem. 

    I’ve got my WINDOWS PC with teams desktop version  and an IPad Pro with its teams mobile version. 

    So, I start a meeting on my PC  since you can always do that and THEN JOIN the ongoing meeting on my iPad by clicking the JOIN button in the chat ( on your iPad you just go to Teams, find the team you need and press JOIN in the chat). As a result you can use both devices linked to the same Teams account  at the same time. Just remember to mute one of them to avoid the echo. 

    Now, you should start sharing YOUR SCREEN ON IPAD. I use GoodNotes, which acts as a whiteboard (or blackboard haha). Or you may use a different app or just Apple Notes, whatever works best for you. As soon as you start writing something on your IPad, everyone in the meeting can see that. And on your PC screen you can also see what you are sharing with the rest of the group, thus you can  use your iPad as a digital board. 

    Hope that helps. 

    • stefanos1912's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      Hi this solution worked for me perfectly 10 days ago (starting the meeting from Mac, participating from iPad and sharing the ppt and virtual blackboard from iPad), then I made the mistake to update my iPad Pro to iOS 13.5 and now when I start sharing my screen, other participants just see my user profile image (see attachment). 

      For anyone who may have also this problem, I found that connecting with Mac from browser (I use Chrome) and then sharing from iPad... it works! 

      Hope it may help


    • The_Maruti's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      Let me start with a disclaimer; I am a greenhorn to MS Team so my observation may be mistaken. I understand you cannot start a meeting today here and now on MS Teams on the Ipad (iOS). If most of the other Apps can initiate a Meeting on the Ipad, I do not see why it should be any different with Microsoft Teams for iPad Pro; it may be ok to start a meeting on the PC then move to the Tablet, but often we are not lugging with both equipment. If I am right then Microsoft needs to up its game on this, it should have equal of not more capable resources than Zoom and the ilk. 

      • stephen1729's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        The_Maruti If you use the work around I talk about earlier in the thread, and do it just once, then after that you will be able to initiate Meetings from the iPad app.  Hope this helps.


    • stephen1729's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      AngelaV vladimir_msk 

      I too am a secondary school Maths teacher!

      We have used OneNote for a few years but have started using Teams since lockdown, so we are all on a steep learning curve!

      We had the same problem and our IT Dept came up with something that worked.

      On a PC (or I used Citrix to remote into my school PC desktop as I am iPad only at home) go to the online version of Teams and go to the Team you are trying to use.

      Click on Files and after a minute or two a “Class Materials” folder should be created here (this is as feature of Class Teams and is where you can store files that you want to be read-only to students - like the Content Library in OneNote).

      Then when you go to the iPad app everything should work properly.

      It worked for me, as they say!

      This should mean you don’t need to use PC and iPad together to create and run meetings.

      I too am a big GoodNotes fan.  a lovely app.

      Hope this helps.


  • deb_sanj's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    Go to calendar on Teams, set a meeting there. Link it to your channel if you want to.

    Then it should appear on your channel. You can join there.

    That was the suggestion from out digital learning department.


    Hope that helps.

  • Scott Nourse's avatar
    Scott Nourse
    Copper Contributor

    angela_salesian I am experiencing the exact same frustration- I don’t think it’s possible- which seems bizarre to me.  If I can join a meeting it seems to work great — I can share my screen, run a powerpoint, have live captions,... But for some reason there doesn’t seem to be any way to start a meeting.


    I can create meetings in the Teams app but it never seems to associate with any sort of video/conference ability.


    The only workaround I’ve seen is to remote into a Mac, log into Teams in Chrome, go to Calendar, and Click Meet Now.   I can then click the participants button, click the Link  icon and copy the link.  Then I paste the info into Notes which syncs to my iPad,  I click the link in Notes on my iPad which opens in Safari and the teams invite page says I have to download the Teams app for Mac.  I switch Safari to Mobile view, refresh and it gives me the option to open in the mobile Teams app.   I can share the link out to other people to but who knows if they’ll be able to open it?  I can never seem to get the share link from the Teams app..   This seems crazy...


    There has to be a better way... what am I missing?
