Forum Discussion

Dimitri_Pletschette's avatar
Iron Contributor
Mar 21, 2024

Microsoft Whiteboard Dashboard


Hi folks,


It appears that there are some minor functionalities missing, in Microsoft Whiteboard.


Dashboard Filters

As a user, I would appreciate the ability to view some filters on my dashboard, including "My Whiteboards," "Whiteboards Shared with Me," and "My Favorite Whiteboards."

Feel free to vote for the idea:


Identifying Whiteboard Owners from the Dashboard

As a user, I would like to be able to identify the owner of a whiteboard directly from the main dashboard view, or at the very least, within the settings of the whiteboard. (Note: Currently, this information appears to be available in OneDrive).

Feel free to vote for the idea:


Hiding, Leaving, or Deleting a Whiteboard

As a user, I would like to have the ability to hide or leave a whiteboard. (Note: Currently, only the owner of the whiteboard can perform these actions in OneDrive).

Feel free to vote for the idea :


Search for My Whiteboards

As a user, I would like to be able to search through my whiteboards.

Feel free to vote for the idea :


I may add more ideas to this page over time.

Thank you for your feedback, and feel free to join the conversation below.



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