Forum Discussion
Feb 10, 2021Copper Contributor
My Laptop shuts down during TEAMS calls
Like few other collogues I'm using a new Lenovo L13 Yoga. We are using Microsoft TEAMS as our formal application for conference and video calls.
Recently we started facing a "random" issue in which after some time in the call, the computer shuts down. the shut down accrues without a warning and it is a brute force shutdown i.e. without a safe close of all applications. It is as if you were pressing a long press on the power button.
We tried to reinstall TEAMS and to make sure that our laptops are working with the latest update, with no change.
Did anyone ever faced this phenomenon?
Any suggestions?
AJ_Quintana Pedro99 Knightmare
Hi everyone - please use the following mitigation plan for this issue while we work with Lenovo to uncover more of the root cause/solution to this: Lenovo Yoga L13 might shut down during Teams meetings (
Sam Cosby,Teams Engineering PM
- ErwinInnCopper Contributor
Same Problem on a new Lenovo ThinkPad T15 Gen2 (11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz) . Today it shuts down 2 times. In one second from talking/screensharing to black screen and all down. Glad to be able to continue the business talk via Smartphone... 😉
All is Updated as the Laptop is newly set up 2 weeks ago. (ThinkPad BIOS Update - 10 [64] - 1.34). No more updates available.
Hope Microsoft can solve this topic soon.
- ErwinInnCopper Contributor
ErwinInn eric_joely In addition to my last posting from 1. June 2021.
I found following SOLUTION for my T15 (two of them). Somehow the Windows 10, delivered originally with the new T15 was causing the topic with teams in my case.
Solution: Directly receiving the pruchase T15 from Lenove (also done with an already installed one). >> Totally re-setup with Lenovo new downloaded image!! How:1) Raising a ticket to lenovo, linked with my Notebook. Asking for New Original Windows 10 Installation Software for my Notebook..
2) Supports sends me link to download most current Image. (Had a tel call after one day).
3) After FULLY NEWLY/UPToDATE IMAGE of Windows 10 for my T15 & New Installation of Windows 10 the problem with Teams never occured again since June 21 on both T15 Notebooks.
A sad way, I know, but it helped in my case.
Greetings to all Erwin
- Sam Cosby
Hi everyone - apologies on the delays on my side. It seems like there's a mix of fixes with the BIOS update pushes. The main fix/validation we've found from the MSFT side is from the BIOS specifically on Lenovo devices, but looks like folks are also reporting some other OEM related issues?
- Aly_LalaCopper Contributor
I am also facing the same issue. Being an interpreter it simply is a big mess when the computer goes off abruptly. I read many of the comments and most users were using LENOVO. I am using a DELL Inspiron 15 3000 laptop and have faced the issue three times. Twice of these were today during a one hour meeting with a Minister :(.
For those of you who have managed to find a solution, please assist.
- iuliangCopper Contributorlast BIOS update to 1.29 and last intel chipset update from Lenovo Vantage from the end of last week did the trick, at least until now (2 day with intensive Teams usage and no shutdown).
- melkinscoIron ContributorI'm having the same issues on my Surface laptop so not limited to Lenovo. I did implement the same workaround listed earlier related to power settings. I've not experienced the issue since, but I've not been on as many meetings since I did so. Keeping an eye on things at the moment.
- REckhoff_AppliedInnovationCopper Contributor
melkinsco For those of you still having problems I suggest trying to limit processor power state to 99% in your power settings as that was the work around we used previously to fix this way earlier in the thread.
- melkinscoIron ContributorI have the same issue with my Surface
- SimonB13Copper ContributorSame issue here with my relatively new L13 Yoga. Answering a call in Teams sometimes causes it to power off about 3 seconds after answering.
It happens almost every time if I am connected over RDP to the L13 laptop from another computer. When I try to answer a Teams call within the RDP session my laptop abruptly turns off. And every time if I have the L13 camera enabled when answering the call. - Sam Cosby
Hi folks - working with Lenovo here on the side to validate the root cause of this issue. Can you all validate if the following works for a machine that consistently experiences this behavior?
1. Enter BIOS setup (upon boot)
2. Press F9 for “Setup Defaults”
3. Select F10 to save and exit
4. See if the issue replicates.
Thanks!- vsHOGCopper Contributor
Are there any news regarding validating the root cause of this issue?
- aLiEnMuNkEeCopper ContributorThe only changes we have in our 'BIOS' is admin password and remove bootable options as pxe, usb etc so I can't see that being an issue.
- razor_8Copper ContributorThe only change I remember doing was Fn<->Ctrl key swap, yet it improved my stability by a lot (still waiting for a real fix btw)
- razor_8Copper ContributorIt's been 3 days without a shutdown, it's a little early to say it has solved the problem, but hey, I was getting around 1 shutdown a day, so we might be on the right track 😄
- razor_8Copper ContributorUnfortunately today it shut down after bios reset.
I've stopped starving CPU to 10W only and I'm letting it use up to 25W in turbo boost short power max(Intel XTU). I don't know if this conflicts with windows' power options 99% CPU, but except for teams, it runs pretty fine.
- rekordiCopper ContributorSimilar issue here. Affected product is X1 Yoga 3rd gen. Immediate random shutdown. Mobo changed, no result.
- EikiEgilzCopper Contributor
I can confirm that we're having the same problem, using Lenvo Thinkpad T490 machines. The machines (only)crash during Teams meetings and simply shut themselves down.
We think it only happens when connected to external monitors ( which is how 80% of the people work ) and it does NOT happen if it's only running on the laptop monitor itself ( not connected to external monitor ) and on the battery ( not connected to AC adapter ). Really frustrating!!- razor_8Copper ContributorE14(intel) here, One of my first thought was that it was related AC adapter, so I've tried to use only the battery, but then it happened too 😞
Unfortunately, shutdowns happen even when using laptop screen only (but its something you should test anyway since its a different model)
By the way, reducing CPU TDP to 10W did in fact reduce my shutdowns to around 50% of the time but it still happens
- lorenzso950Copper ContributorWe have the exact same problem with all of our brand new Lenovo T590. Lenovo is also involved in this case. The suggested fixes here didn't help. The Lenovo Support engineer is also investigating arround the Thermal Solution Driver and the Power settings.
- razor_8Copper ContributorLet's get real, this situation is ridiculous
Spent one week using another machine for teams and had ZERO shutdowns on my Thinkpad which means the hardware is ok.
Lenovo says I should contact IBM since this is NOT a Hardware issue (replacing motherboard won't fix this)
IBM ( does not reply to my email (since march 3, their 7 working days reply time policy expired march 12)
Microsoft.... No reply on this thread for a long while. (I've offered to send logs or allow a remote desktop if they want to investigate or run some diagnostics)
Lots of Thinkpads getting random shutdowns. People getting disconnected from meetings. Losing unsaved works (or hours long simulations for me)
We all know this mess was caused by some February update (Microsoft or Lenovo, I don't know). if you guys can't fix this, just revert whatever update this was. I just want my machine to work and not be feared that it will shut down anytime if I open teams (Yeah tried teams today and it shut down.)- Sam Cosby
Hi Razor_08, we're (Microsoft) still in contact with Lenovo to get to the root cause of this issue. I'll update the thread once I have more info. - bwilson
I am sorry you feel that way and I haven't replied here as we are in the process of working with Lenovo for them to reproduce the issue and diagnose the problem. I appreciate the offer for logs and/or remote desktop but it isn't really necessary at this point.
Are you saying that the steps to limit the CPU in the power schema did not work for you?
- razor_8Copper Contributor
I do understand that this thread is mostly focused on L13, so I don't know if this happens only for me or E14(intel) devices in general. But so far nothing that I've tried solved the issue so far.
- Set Max CPU to 99% // (both manually and powercfg .bat) Fail
- Disable Hardware acceleration for Teams // Fail
- Roll Back thermal solution driver // Fail
If this seems more appropriate, I can create a specific thread for E14 devices
- dragon-itCopper Contributor
The power setting seems to have helped here too.... had been through all the different driver checks of video drivers etc. and calls, generally only to certain clients, caused immediate power off on a couple of machines - HP ZBook, Dell Precision Tower 7910. Both were on custom power plans with 100% CPU setting. Time will tell if it HAS stopped it of course.
I had to use batch to push out change to multiple machines so used this script if any help, it gets the current power plan first and uses that to change. Would have been easier in Powershell but had to use batch for this one.
@echo off
Set Scheme=
Set SchemeName=
For /f "tokens=4,5 delims= " %%P in ('Powercfg /list ^| find " *"') do (
set scheme=%%~P
set schemename=%%~Q
set schemename=%schemename:(=%
set schemename=%schemename:)=%If "%scheme%"=="" (
ECHO Can't find current power scheme:
powercfg /query
) ELSE (
Powercfg -setacvalueindex %Scheme% sub_processor procthrottlemax 99
Powercfg -setdcvalueindex %Scheme% sub_processor procthrottlemax 99
ECHO Power scheme %SchemeName% set to 99 percent CPU