Forum Discussion

Eugene_Cao's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 20, 2020

Not able to Create MS Teams meeting via Outlook 365 on Mac

Dear all,

Few day ago, this feature was worked well. After up to date the latest version of Outlook, 

try to create MS Teams meeting via Outlook 365, it doesn't work anymore.


Anyone met same issue recently.


Outlook version:

MS teams version :


Got error message like this:



Thank you

  • petergroft's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Quit all Office applications in your Mac device.
    Open Microsoft Word.
    Sign out of the account that is logged in.
    Sign back in.
    Now re-launch Outlook and try to create the meeting again.

    • mlarach's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      HI Peter, thank you for taking the time. I did that 3 times and I eve unistaled office 365 and re installed and same thing.
  • lIZET760's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    Mac Users: you need to clean the cache if you have a problem like that and it's super simple... (Here I copy/paste the instructions of this article:


    You're welcome!

    Clear Teams cache in macOS

    1. If Teams is still running, right-click the Teams icon in the dock, and then select Quit, or press Command (⌘)-Q.

    2. In the Finder, open the /Applications/Utilities folder, and then double-click Terminal.

    3. Enter the following command, and then press Return:

      rm -r ~/Library/Application\ Support/Microsoft/Teams
    4. Restart Teams.

    • mlarach's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Hi Eugene_Cao thank you for your note. I did it twice and the issue persist.. The only way to do it is to bypass the System by creating a Fake 365 email with your same Gmail name.
      Any suggestions? I really want to solve this.
  • Yes with PC. The first meeting I created was successful, however the next meeting I attempted to create immediately after the first, gave me this error message "We couldn't schedule the meeting. Please try again Later". I restarted my computer and cleared the cache however with no success.
    • adam deltinger's avatar
      adam deltinger
      Did you have calendar button before?
      Are you logged into your own tenant, not guest?
      Can you schedule from other client?
      Can other people schedule meetings?

      Is this free teams?

      • Eugene_Cao's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        1. See the Pic

        2. No guest, Our company purchase the office 365 familiy meals. 🙂

        3.  I can schedule MS teams meeting  on my Windows client (Outlook)

        4. will check later, not all people use Mac in may company.  But this working well on windows.


        Not free teams.


  • First, check if you are logged into your own tenant in Teams, and not in another tenant as a guest. This can cause issues when scheduling via outlook.

    Can you schedule meetings normally from the Teams client?
    • Eugene_Cao's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      adam deltinger 

      Thank you for quick response.


      • No meeting button on my left side menu:

      • I'm not joined as guest,  daily working via MS teams, especially recent days.


