Forum Discussion

toddpurifoy's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jun 12, 2020

Outlook "Share to Teams"?

Are many of you seeing this button in Outlook?  Did you have to do anything to enable it?

I see SHARE TO OUTLOOK from within Teams, but not the new functionality to share an email chain TO Teams...much more useful in our environment.  

We tend to get features rolled out to us fairly quickly, so I wanted to make sure that there was nothing we needed to do as an admin to turn the feature on?


  • mattias-skog's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    I have this Share to Teams functionality now, both online and in the desktop client. In Outlook online the search for people, teams and channels works great but in the desktop client it's far from perfect. Searching using a team name returns no channel results at all while the online version does. The desktop client only returns people and chats, not channels. Are anyone else experiencing the same or is it only me?

  • MTSBob's avatar
    Steel Contributor
    Showed up for us over the weekend, but doesn't work at all for me or others I've tried it with. In Outlook, I have several accounts with mailboxes, and in Teams I am both a native member and guest in several orgs, but no matter which mail account I choose to attempt a "Share to Teams" from, it tells me to switch to a different account (which I am already logged into).
    • Jonathan Blackwell's avatar
      Jonathan Blackwell
      Copper Contributor
      Same thing happens for me. I'm guest on 4 other accounts plus personal teams and says I need to switch org even though I'm in the correct specified as the default and current in teams.
    • EponaGK's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      MTSBob Same behavior here. Multiple organizations and it tells me to switch to the account that is already active.

      • ChristianBergstrom's avatar
        Silver Contributor
        You should open up a support ticket with Microsoft. If you’re not an admin ask that person for assistance.
  • Boyd-_-cdmig001's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel 2008 (Build 13127.21348) now has it. Confirmed working.
    Was not expecting it to work in Semi-Annual. Awesome!
  • ic-jw-msp's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    toddpurifoy Still nothing for us, Outlook updated over the weekend to 16.0.13901.20276. Running on current channel. 

    • dpsugasa's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      so we received the button over the weekend in outlook and it is no longer greyed out in the outlook dropdown. But when you click on it....wait for does nothing...
  • joe3Gilead's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    toddpurifoy I don't see it either.  I have Subscription Product M365 Apps for enterprise Outlook version 2103 (Build 13901.20312 Click-to-run), Current Channel (Preview)

  • PJ Galvin's avatar
    PJ Galvin
    Copper Contributor

    Waiting for this function too.  Looks like it will roll out in March 2021. An alternative is to send the email to the TEAM. 

    • Boyd-_-cdmig001's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      PJ Galvin Yea I'm looking forward to it as well! We are semi-annual channel though so we are still going to be waiting for a while I'd guess.  This March rollout is for Monthly channel only.

  • ic-jw-msp's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    Still not seeing anything on web, mobile, PC or Mac for Teams. Running the most current build as well.

    This is literally the only thing holding my 'team' back from moving to Teams. We use the equivalent Slack add-in heavily. 

      • Boyd-_-cdmig001's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Jeroen Struik  I'm putting in a support case to see if there is an issue with it in our tenant, or if the actual status is still "Rolling Out".


        I'll follow up with result.
