Forum Discussion
Nov 06, 2023Brass Contributor
Status does not update (New Teams)
Hi, We've been testing the new Teams before we roll it out more widely. We have noticed that your status does not update consistently with the new Teams, as in, here is one scenario as an example ...
Nov 06, 2023Silver Contributor
Hi Andrea2023,
The problem of inconsistent presence status updates in the new Microsoft Teams 2.0 client has been observed by multiple users. It seems that in certain situations, users' presence status may incorrectly display them as "Away" or "Do Not Disturb" even when they are actively using Microsoft Teams.
Microsoft Teams 2: Anwesenheitsstatus wird sporadisch falsch angezeigt | Borns IT- und Windows-Blog (
- Make sure you have the latest version of Microsoft Teams 2.0 installed.
- Disable sleep mode for the affected computer.
- Check for other software or hardware problems that could be causing the issue.
If you can't fix the problem yourself, you can open a support ticket with Microsoft.
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Kindest regards,
Leon Pavesic
Nov 06, 2023Brass Contributor
Thanks LeonPavesic!
“users' presence status may incorrectly display them as "Away" or "Do Not Disturb" even when they are actively using Microsoft Teams” —> yes we’ve experienced this same situation too.
Apologies if this is a silly question, but the solutions you suggested, am I right in saying those would be done by users at an individual level? …could it be done/ are you aware of an organisation or tenant-wide solution?
Many thanks,