Forum Discussion

rpetti_ot's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 09, 2020

Teams desktop app not observing daylight savings time

I'm currently having an issue with my Teams. I'm in the Mountain time zone, which recently switched to daylight savings. My system clock (Windows 10) has updated correctly, but Teams still believes it's behind an hour, despite multiple restarts. This only seems to occur with the desktop app. The web app has the correct time.


What can be done to fix this? Everything I've read suggests that it uses the system time/timezone, but that appears to be incorrect, otherwise my Teams would have the correct time.


What's interesting is that when I check the teams logs at 15:21, I see this:

Mon Mar 09 2020 14:21:18 GMT-0700 (GMT-07:00) <17724> -- info -- Focusing main window

Mountain Daylight time is GMT-0600, which is my current system timezone when you adjust for daylight savings. Why is Teams is using the unadjusted GMT-0700 instead?


  • AnoplexAdmin's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Many years later (2025) and still not fixed. Time to switch to Zoom or Google Meet.

  • Microsoft needs to fix this. The Teams calendar does not handle daylight savings time properly for companies that span timezones..






  • sgrovertrico's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    Please go to your computer settings, Time & Language, and then turn off Automatic Daylight Saving.

    Close the settings. Now your computer clock will go back by an hour.

    Then again go to settings, Time & Language and Turn on Automatic Daylight saving.

    Your computer will come back to normal time.

    This time Microsoft Teams also will pick up the updated time.


    • AnoplexAdmin's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      This is incorrect. I have done this over and over, reinstalled Teams over and over. For the past five years I have  been correcting (PST) to (PDT) in all my invitations. I keep hoping for a fix, but no fix yet. All the MS experts and fix contributors, all the set and reset your automatic DST checkboxes, all the uninstall and reinstall .. just MS BS (Microsoft Bull&!t)

  • Que9322's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I just had this with one of our clients. Signing out of Teams and signing back in got her time corrected. rpetti_ot 

    • Josh Sullins's avatar
      Josh Sullins
      Brass Contributor

      Que9322  for us the only solutions have been: 

      - Reboot

      - If still happens, uninstall / reinstall Teams.


      • mpddcf's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        Below steps worked for in my org.

        Uninstall Teams Machine-Wide Installer
        Reinstall Teams
  • Josh Sullins's avatar
    Josh Sullins
    Brass Contributor

    My company is impacted as well, and it is becoming a real issue for our 100,000 users.


    MICROSOFT - Please, fix this.

  • rpetti_ot's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    rpetti_ot I was able to fix this by changing my system timezone settings to Central with automatic DST adjustment turned off, then changing it back to MDT and restarting teams. I'm not sure why this happened. I'm guessing Teams doesn't check the timezone every time it starts up, only when it's been changed recently...

    • ckingchemist's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thanks for that fix,rpetti_ot.  Changing the time zone and daylight savings time, then changing them back also worked for me.  I didn't have to quit Teams for this to work, and on restarting Teams, it retained the corrected time zone.


    • Sascha Stops's avatar
      Sascha Stops
      Brass Contributor

      rpetti_ot Hello, I have a similar issue here with Western Europe timezone. Since the US switched to DST last weekend the Teams Desktop app shows all timestamps an hour off.


      How did you change the timezone. Using the settings app did not nothing for me. Even restarting after every change the Teams App always stays in the same (wrong) timezone.


      Thank you


      Best regards

