Forum Discussion

jornvdd's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 14, 2019

Teams Screen/Desktop unable t sharing on macOS Catalina

Dear community,


since a few days after the latest upgrade to macOS Catalina 10.15.1, there seems to be a problem with the screen/app/desktop sharing.

On sharing a desktop, the Mac app in teams is always asking for permission to the Screen Recording in the Security & Privacy settings.  However, as you can see in the screenshot, this option is already checked.  Unchecking, restarting Teams, restarting the Mac didn't solve the issue.  Is there someone who has the same experience, or even better, has a solution for it?


Thanks in advance!


  • davygravypdx's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    Reset all the Teams sharing permissions including screensharing.


    Step 1: Quit Teams
    Step 2: From Terminal "tccutil reset All"
    Step 3: Launch teams and re-approve camera, mic & screen recording



  • ChemaE's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    jornvddI have updated to latest version of Catalina 10.15.7 and latest version of Teams  and the problem is still there. Teams does not allow to shared screen and it is authorized in the security settings of Catalina.

    Now if I open the MacOs Calendar in my screen I am able to share my screen with Teams. If I minimized Calendar or close it then I am not able to share my screen in Teams anymore.

    I have repeated several times the same operation and it is congruent, if it is open in the screen the Teams allow me to share my screen  if it is minimized or closed the Teams does not share the screen.

    I just share the observation if it can help others....


  • jornvdd 

    There is a thread on this here:

    I think I might have found a workaround... at least a temporary one.


    My system was already configured to Allow screen recording in Security & Privacy settings. I didn't have any luck with tracking the problem down internally (I heard it's actually an issue with MacOS but that's not confirmed).


    To get screen sharing to work, here is what I did:

    1. Quit Teams
    2. Disable/Disallow/Uncheck 'Screen Recording' for Microsoft Teams in 'Settings -> Security & Privacy'
    3. Open Teams
    4. Start a Meeting (confirmed that Screen Sharing is not available)
    5. Quit Teams
    6. Re-Enable/Allow/Check 'Screen Recording' for Microsoft Teams in 'Settings -> Security & Privacy'
    7. Open Teams
    8. Start a Meeting (confirm that Screen Sharing IS now available)


    It stinks and who knows how long it lasts but it's something. 

    • JPF321's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      brianleporeUnfortunatley, this workaround did not work for me.
      MacOS: 10.15.2 (19C57)
      Microsoft Teams Version It was last updated on 12/18/19.



    • jornvdd's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      oaraya Today, I have been able to solve my issue at least 5 times :unamused:


      Deleting and reinstalling the complete app solves the issues for an upcoming event.  It's pretty annoying that every time a want to share my screen, I have to go offline for a few minutes.


      Is there no-one at microsoft that can help us out?
