Forum Discussion

Kyuma90's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 17, 2022

Use AD Synced Group for Teams Membership

We have synced a bunch of security groups from our AD envirement into the Azure AD. As an example we have a group called GG_DEP_IT which contains all the IT members. This group is used OnPrem to de...
  • VasilMichev's avatar
    May 17, 2022
    You can "add" a group as a member of M365 Group/Team, but that's a one-time operation and only the current membership of the group will be added, further changes will not get reflected. That said Microsoft is supposedly working on "nesting" scenarios, so this should be supported in the future.
    Until then, using a dynamic membership rule or an automated script/runbook/flow that periodically "copies" the membership is your best option.
