Forum Discussion
Apr 16, 2021Copper Contributor
Will we get control over webcam settings within TEAMS?
I did check first and I can only find a similar post from 2018, which is quite a while ago and obviously the world has gone down a very different route since then, with "working at home" for most peo...
Jul 23, 2021Copper Contributor
This is a major omission. It really, really annoys me that there is no camera control in Teams. Not only that, but when you do open a control app such as Logitech Hub or Logitech Capture to configure it, Teams then resets it all again!
Zoom has much more control within the app, and things it doesn't control it doesn't reset them. Also Zoom has a really excellent chroma key setting to make your meetings look really professional. The Teams background is just rubbish by comparison with your head disappearing half the time.
One workaround is to use Skype for Business to adjust the settings before you start Teams and it somehow remembers them for the rest of the day. Most companies uninstall SfB though once they switched to Teams.
Another workaround would be to install the $1 app called "Webcam System Settings" which does the same thing and you can use it while Teams is running to adjust the settings.
But really, come on MS Teams devs - step up to at least look like you give a **bleep** about customer experience!
- FiBERNLNov 23, 2021Copper Contributor
ChrisMHowarth cawauk ralphssg SimonNeilScott It is fixed!
Today i got fed up again and decided to check if i could stop teams from resetting my Logitech G Hub settings. When going into settings > devices > camera, there is now a checkbox that (de)activates "Automatically adjust camera controls".
After unchecking that box, teams no longer resets my cam settings. Feels like a huge victory 🙂Teams version i use: Microsoft Teams Version (64-bit)
- ralphssgNov 24, 2021Copper Contributor
FiBERNL Logitech G Hub, you say? So that's the software from the Logitech G line? I don't have that one. Probably won't work with the Logitech C310 Webcam. As for this device, Logitech only offers support/software with their simple driver/control package, which doesn't help much within Teams. Last updated a year ago (which is questionable for a webcam they're still selling).
No fix for me, I conclude. Logitech and Microsoft haven't done much to address this.
- cawaukAug 11, 2021Copper ContributorSame here. Super frustrated. Logitech StreamCam. Low resolution in teams, and no backlight compensation. Yet Zoom offers this without an issue. Come on microsoft! How can you be implementing virtual backgrounds but not bother fixing image settings and brightness in the first place???
- ralphssgAug 26, 2021Copper ContributorThere must be a reason why this isn't made possible, or why it is not possible or why never reactions from the developpers from Microsoft Teams follow on all these requests. Are it that servers of MS are too slow? Not enough bandwith? Try to explain it to your paying users. My Logitech cam is really HD (and can be watched that way in Windows Camera), but in Teams it is barely SD (a resolution of 480, propably) and no way to make it HD. No, Logitech driver settings are bad as well and offer no way out). I get headaches listening all day to low quality with all that working from home. Offer HD. We have glassfiber internet these days!