Forum Discussion
Jul 25, 2024Configuring WhatsApp channel for Microsoft Health Bot
Microsoft Health Bot leverages Twilio’s WhatsApp API to enable chatting with WhatsApp users.
To enable this feature, you first need to set up a Twilio account and a WhatsApp Business account (WABA). In this guide, we will use the WhatsApp Sandbox environment to configure the channel.
1. Under Integration/Channels, enable the WhatsApp channel
2. Paste in the Phone number you have obtained from Twilio. This phone number should be registered as WhatsApp Business number.
3. Paste your Twilio Account SID and you Auth Token taken from Twilio's account page.
4. Save these settings.
5. Re-Open the WhatsApp channel and notice that the "Service URL endpoint" now appears. Copy this URL. You will need it to paste into the WhatsApp configuration in Twilio.
6. Navigate to Messaging/Send WhatsApp Message page and paste the URL you copied from Health Bot into the "Sandbox Configuration when a Message comes in" URL. Method should ne "POST".
7. Test it by sending the specified message on this page to be added to the Sandbox participants list. From this point on, every message you send to this number will be routed to the Health Bot via the service URL. Any response from the Health Bot will be sent to your WhatsApp client.
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