Forum Discussion

Risa_Coleman's avatar
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Jul 26, 2023

Read about changes to the grants provided by Microsoft Philanthropies and Links to FAQs



Dear Valued Partner:


Ten years after we launched the first Office 365 Nonprofit cloud grant for the nonprofit sector, Microsoft Philanthropies remains committed to doubling the number of nonprofits that we support with the Microsoft Cloud. To ensure we’re maximizing the number of nonprofits that we can support with granted technology, we’re refreshing our grant strategy and updating our grant portfolio with these changes below.


As a nonprofit partner, it is important for you to be aware of these changes as customers may reach out to you. Please find below the customer message, links to FAQs and the Azure nonprofit partner playbook to help you prepare for these potential customer conversations.


Thank you.


The Tech for Social Impact Team


Azure Grant Update


Effective October 1, 2023, the Azure grant is now USD2,000. You’ll no longer be able to renew at the previous Azure grant level, and at the next grant renewal on or after October 1, 2023, you’ll be granted USD2,000 of Azure sponsorship credits annually as long as you remain eligible to receive such grants.


Provided below is a link to FAQs about the Azure grant changes.

Azure Grant FAQ link


Provided below is a link to the Azure Nonprofit Partner Playbook.

We encourage you to use the Azure playbook as it includes:

  • An overview of the benefits that you can realize from selling Azure solutions to nonprofits.
  • Frameworks, solution plays, and resources to help you sell to and support the unique needs of nonprofits.

Azure Nonprofit Partner Playbook


Dynamics 365 Enterprise Grant


Effective October 1, 2023, the Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise grant will end. At your next subscription renewal on or after October 1, 2023, the price for the five granted licenses of Dynamics Sales Enterprise will increase from USD0 to the standard nonprofit discounted price.


The nonprofit customers have been made aware of these changes. Act now to prepare your nonprofit customers. Please proactively reach out to your nonprofit customers to alert them to the fact that they are moving to a higher paid SKU and to assist them in any technology needs that they may have.


D365 FAQ link


If you and/or your nonprofit customers have questions about these changes, please contact us.
