Forum Discussion

GaryS123's avatar
Iron Contributor
Jun 10, 2024

New Outlook not showing link urls

Old outlook would show you the url if you hover over a link - New Outlook does not show anything when you hover over but still it will work as a hyperlink.  

Is there a setting that changes this so you can see where you are going before you click a link ?

  • mbitterli's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    GaryS123 This "new" Outlook is a total backwards/outdated version, they removed a lot of great features...

  • michaelfarlow's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    This is how it used to work in 'mail';

    1, Hover mouse cursor over link [usually highlighted blue] or image that has a link
    2, The actual URL of the 'link' would show as a 'tool tip' and / or in bottom left of 'mail'

    Using the new 'Outllook' - the app not via a browser;

    1, Hover mouse cursor over link [usually highlighted blue] or image that has a link
    2, The actual URL of the 'link' does not show at all - not as a 'tool tip' or anywhere else in app
    3, There is no way to make this 'option' [that should be on as default] work in the 'Outlook' app

    I'm refferring to the latest 'Outlook' app on Windows 11, PC with all windows updates up-to-date. Even uninstalling then 'getting' and re-install from MS Store does not make this work.

    Like many others, I have 'hammered' into clients, work collegues, students and family the security risk of clicking on a link text / image without knowing where the link is sending you - it is a massive security issue.

    The only 'work-around' is to right click the link, copy / cut it and paste into a text editor so as to read the actual linked address - pasting in browser is a bad idea as the link could be activated.

    This is a massive securityy flaw in the [new] 'Outlook app'. It is much worse now as 'Mail' is being retired and, already, many PCs refuse to run it. Furthermore, answers from MS seem to be in relation to a different app [not [new] 'Outlook']. It appears that MS is indicating a total lack of care, understanding or concern for user security. This is a shameful backwards move by MS.

  • hhitassist's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    GaryS123 We have the same issue at our org.  As a security measure we too have trained users to hover over the link to make sure it's somewhere they should go.  Now this is not possible.  This is a very important security feature!  Please address this ASAP!

      • hhitassist's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        amanda1780 Hi Amanda, I think you may have misunderstood the issue.  I'm not trying to paste a link into Outlook.  When external emails arrive you used to be able to hover over them to see where the link is actually pointed to (a common security training practice).  With the new Outlook, the hover-over is not displaying anything.  This is a big step backwards for security as users can no longer hover over links to make sure they are not malicious.  Please let me know if there are any questions.

    • dannoel1's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      suggestion doesn't list as describe; have the same problem with outlook, will look for a different email client at this point.

  • JacobSpeckman's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    As a security guy that has screamed "hover the link" millions of times. Then MS does this ... WTH MS office team. Don't take a way the one way users can see the risk right there in front of them. 

  • kenkeson's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I also experiencing the same concern, the user needs to "right click" then copy link and put it on a text editor. 

    In addition, URL texts are not considered as link even if it is a valid URL.

    In the normal version, copying a URL text from Browser to email would automatically be read as a link.

    Currently, when using "New Outlook", I have to copy the URL text and paste it on a browser but when using the normal version, this URL text can be click.

    Can anybody know if developers are going to fix this? hopefully we got some response from them.

  • Kyoussef90's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    We have the same issue here with our Org. The default setting is set correctly, but we still no luck getting the URL to show up.

    • GaryS123's avatar
      Iron Contributor
      Probably the best way to spot phishing emails is by looking at the url.
      Will probably block the app from our org for now.
