Forum Discussion

marcelo306g's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 26, 2024

I can't see my customer in the reports in partner earned credit

I have a client who has an Azure Subscription (Azure Plan) and my Guest user has an Admin RBAC on the subscription scope, but I can't see my customer in the reports on partner earned credit.

For that reason, I am not able to reach the partner designation because my partner punctuation in the designation does not appear.

My user is a guest in the customer tenant and has already linked my partner ID in the Management Partner Blade.

I need help. Thanks in advance for your time.

      • sansbacher's avatar
        Brass Contributor

        marcelo306g ,


        Unfortunately I don't think I really understand what the problem is. If it's to do with not getting some designation or entitlement due to Customers not showing up: I feel like that's something you'll need to speak to your rep about. I don't know anything about who should show up, what drives different designations, or how you get to some next Partner level, etc. (aka "sales stuff" 🙂 


        If it's that you have a Customer with an Azure Subscription that you don't have access to -- that you should: you'll need to make sure that you have a GDAP Relationship with them, groups mapping to your chosen Entra/AAD Roles. Usually the AdminAgents group is granted "Owner" permissions to any Azure Subscriptions, but you can gran different permissions to different groups (though possibly only the 3 "special" Groups: AdminAgents, HelpdeskAgents, and SalesAgents -- though I've not experimented much, except to confirm it works with one of those groups).


        If you get grab the ObjectID of your AdminAgents group (or any other you want to check) you can confirm the permissions with something like:

        Get-AZRoleAssignment -Scope "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION ID>" | where ObjectId -eq <GROUP OBJECT ID>


        Running as a Global Admin or Subscription Owner of the Customer's Tenant. You can assign Contributor or Reviewer if you'd prefer.

        For more info see:

        Reinstate admin privileges for Azure CSP | Microsoft Learn

        If they have lost access to their own Azure Subscription see:

        Elevate access to manage all Azure subscriptions and management groups | Microsoft Learn




