Forum Discussion

LucioBabbaro's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 29, 2023

From Project Desktop to Project Online and no resources imported?

Hello there. I'm asking here because until now MS tech assistance was non existent and i'm having hard times trying to solve this issue.

I'd like to import a project from MS Project desktop (client desktop of Microsoft Project Online i downloaded from my account profile) to my PLAN 3 MS Project online, but seems impossible to import the project resources. Why? Every time only a modal informing that X resources were not imported pops up.

How can i import my project AND its recources in Project online? Thanks a lot.

  • LucioBabbaro --

    When you use the term Project Online, the tool you are using is actually named Project for the Web. And the behavior you are seeing is the default behavior when you import a Microsoft Project schedule (saved as an MPP file) into Project for the Web. During the import process, all of your project team members are removed from the project and their task assignments are deleted as well. This means that after the import process is completed, you will need to rebuild your project team and reassign them to tasks. Yes, I know that is a CUMBERSOME process, but that is simply how the tool works. Sorry for the bad news, but hope this helps.
