Forum Discussion

dhaneksc's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 20, 2024

ProjectWebApp REST API: OAuth Authentication - ClientCredentials Grant type only

Hi All,


We are trying to read the Project Information (Flow: SAP<--->SharePointOnline) using the ProjectWebApp(PWA) REST APIs : https://domainName/sites/pwa/_api/ProjectData/Projects

for which we have registered the App in Azure Portal and then given the required permissions.


we are able to read the project information using the OAuth Grant Type: Authorization Code, where user interacts with authorization server to get the access token. But with the GrantType : Client Credentials we are NOT able to read?

Since its Server-to-Server interaction, we do not want User Auhorization code to interact.


Let us know how can we access the PWA APIs with OAuth: Client Credentials GrantType?

When we try to access with GrantType : ClientCredentials after getting the access token, we get the below error.


Kindly provide documents that can guide us how to achieve the above requirement.


API :  https://domainName/sites/pwa/_api/ProjectData/Projects


We have the below details after registering the app:

Toke URL to fetch the access token :

grant_type = client_credentials

client_id = ClientID@TenantID

client_secret = xxx

resource = resource/<domain-name>@TenantID

scope = https://localhost


Token Fetch: SuccessFull


API call: Error








  • fabionicida's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    We have the same requirements. I have been searching for a solution, but until now, I was not able to find it. 

    Does anyone have a solution?

    Thank you!
