Forum Discussion

LisaGaillard's avatar
Brass Contributor
May 27, 2022

Time Sheets - PWA - Custom Enterprise column not displaying


 I'm hoping someone can help, I have set up a custom text field with data that I want to use and display in the Time Sheet view of PWA for a selection of users as I need to be able to report on data in this custom field and lookup table for a specific project. 


Although everything seems to be fine with the created Colum and corresponding look up table, I cannot get the field to display for a selection of users, even though it is present in my Ms Project professional desktop app (as an entreprise field) and in the enterprise data of PWA


When in PWA views, I can customise the view and select the custom Colum to be displayed in time sheet data, but it will only show up for a bunch of users and not all users,


I'm guessing there is something I need to modify in the User permissions, groups and categories and security temaplates, but amongst the plethora of PWA settings I cannot find the right one to display the said custom field and look up table for all users after quite a lot of searching.


 Any help or insights would be very much apricated. 


Best regards,



  • I figured out the issue by myself for anyone who is interested or comes back here in the future, the custom field only populated to certain users timesheets as I had created the custom field after creating the timesheet reporting peroid for the month of May. The custom field now automatically shows in all new timesheet reporting peroids, june, july etc. (created after the custom entreprise field was added)

    and of course it shows up in the Odata to be used by PowerBI or other data modelization methods.
  • LisaGaillard's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    I figured out the issue by myself for anyone who is interested or comes back here in the future, the custom field only populated to certain users timesheets as I had created the custom field after creating the timesheet reporting peroid for the month of May. The custom field now automatically shows in all new timesheet reporting peroids, june, july etc. (created after the custom entreprise field was added)

    and of course it shows up in the Odata to be used by PowerBI or other data modelization methods.
