Forum Discussion

ErayC's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Sep 05, 2019

Planner is coming to all F1 commercial plans and government offerings starting in October

Planner has always been for people like you—people who manage work on a daily basis without being in a formal work management role. And it’s with people like you in mind that we’re releasing Planner for all F1 commercial plans and government offerings starting in October. Microsoft’s F1 plans are specifically designed for Firstline Workers, who are the first people to interact with customers and see their company’s products and services in action.


Learn more here .

  • ClRums's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    ErayC Thanks for this. I wish there was greater customizability to this incredibly useful app.

    For individual users (non-management), I wish we could have the ability to customize notifications at the card level. If I have a task that needs to be done in conjunction with someone else, and it's not an official "project," (just something we're collaborating on). I'd like the notifications regarding that card to only be sent to those that I WANT to be notified - not every one of my fellow team members that have nothing to do with the collaboration. If I want to follow up on a task every three days, I want Planner to ping the other person via email about the task; they enter a comment about what's happening with the task. . . or if they heard back from someone about something. This is great in order to eliminate the need for follow-up emails to those people when I send them an email with "Hey, did you hear back from XYZ? Did they give you an answer?" "On no, I haven't heard back from them. . . " Well, that person is SUPER busy and may forget to follow-up with that other person. So, Planner (because I have a recurring frequency in which they are sent an email regarding the task), will ping them to see whether they heard back (that's one less follow-up email I have to send and keep track of). And I'll ONLY get pinged if the other person puts a comment in the card about what they heard. Otherwise, Planner is doing the follow-up for me via email, so that I can focus on other things.

    Also, If I'm a manager, I want to be able to fully customize ALL email notifications for the team, not forcing people to have to opt in or out of this or that email notification. That's something I, as a manager can take off their plate, without distracting them from their jobs. Some of the notifications are fixed and unchangeable in Planner (eg - Any plan member comments after your comment. . . .you get an email notification every single time. You can't change that setting in Planner. It's fixed.).

    For BOTH individual and managers, it would be good to have more customizability for categories among the different fields ("Progress,"Priority," etc.). For example, in progress, I'd like to see if a large item is 25% done, 50% done, etc.. Also, I'd like the option to add another field that allows me to slice and dice my cards by different categories in ways that I want (not just "Bucket", "Progress," "Priority," etc). I could add another field that essentially does what "Buckets" does (create categories as I want).
