Forum Discussion
Creighton Medley
Sep 11, 2018Copper Contributor
Is there a bug in filtering by severity?
The sample works (using fake data) eq 'High'&$top=5
But if I use the same call with a bearer token, it returns ->
"@odata.context": "$metadata#Security/alerts",
"value": []
(same for Medium, Low and just in case, tried high, medium and low)
If I make up a severity name, it returns ->
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "Invalid filter clause",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "20fbaaca-8f2c-4c86-9d2c-f990ca3cfe86",
"date": "2018-09-11T15:47:23"
So I'm thinking it is a bug ... does filtering by severity work for anyone else?
- Creighton, we have resolved the bug that surfaced due to the recent Alert Schema update. Please verify that it now works correctly. Thank you again for your feedback.
- Edward Koval
Creighton, when using your bearer token are you getting alerts back without filter? i.e. Creighton MedleyCopper Contributor
Yes ... the alerts work if I remove the filter
I can add other arguments like ?$orderby=eventDateTime+desc and it works as expected
Just returns [] when filtering by severity
- Edward Koval
Thank you for your feedback. A bug report has been filed, and the team is investigating the root cause of this issue.