Forum Discussion

Creighton Medley's avatar
Creighton Medley
Copper Contributor
Sep 11, 2018

Is there a bug in filtering by severity?

The sample works (using fake data) eq 'High'&$top=5


But if I use the same call with a bearer token, it returns ->

"@odata.context": "$metadata#Security/alerts",
"value": []

(same for Medium, Low and just in case, tried high, medium and low)


If I make up a severity name, it returns ->

"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "Invalid filter clause",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "20fbaaca-8f2c-4c86-9d2c-f990ca3cfe86",
"date": "2018-09-11T15:47:23"


So I'm thinking it is a bug ... does filtering by severity work for anyone else?  

  • Edward Koval's avatar
    Edward Koval
    Sep 17, 2018
    Creighton, we have resolved the bug that surfaced due to the recent Alert Schema update. Please verify that it now works correctly. Thank you again for your feedback.
    • Creighton Medley's avatar
      Creighton Medley
      Copper Contributor

      Yes ... the alerts work if I remove the filter


      I can add other arguments like   ?$orderby=eventDateTime+desc  and it works as expected 


      Just returns [] when filtering by severity 

      • Edward Koval's avatar
        Edward Koval
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
        Thank you for your feedback. A bug report has been filed, and the team is investigating the root cause of this issue.
