Forum Discussion

  • EdjeZ's avatar
    Brass Contributor



    I did see the feature in my OneDrive library (and maybe in a teamsite, I'm not sure), but at this moment I only can copy/move to folders in the same location. The option to select another site or library by clicking on "places" suddenly is gone. Is this correct or should I raise a support call?



    • JamesMallalieu's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Within OD4B there is the option to move a file to another site, however the copy function will only allow the file to be moved to another location in OD4B.  Within a team site document library the copy and move functions only support a location in the current site.


      I remember seeing a slide that showed that copy and move functions will eventually be supported between OD4B and sites in both directions.

      • EdjeZ's avatar
        Brass Contributor

        I don't get it anymore. Yesterday move and copy showed the same options: the only available locations were subfolders in my Onedrive library. Today I can copy to other sites/locations. I did notice in the past that not all options did show up every time, but I can't tell what's causing this. Very frustrating, because our users experience the same behaviour and I can't tell them what to do. Sometimes other locations are available, sometimes they are not.


        JamesMallalieu: You say that "move" wil give the option to move to other sites while "copy" only show the current library. I hope that you did type that by mistake, because for me it's just the opposite.

  • PhilineVon's avatar
    Steel Contributor

    The "copy to" feature worked a few days ago and now it has the same functionality as "move to".

    I cannot access Sharepoint any longer I can only see folders from my OneDrive.

    Has anything been rolled back?

    • Paul Mitchell's avatar
      Paul Mitchell
      Brass Contributor

      The blog mentions August release for First Release tenants, and will then proceed to full production over the coming weeks. Once this goes live, users will see “balloon help” inside OneDrive to alert them to the new capability.


      I am on first release and I did see the ballon help a few weeks back, but the copy/move functionality was not there.  I still dont see the option to copy anywhere except to my OneDrive.  Is this feature still rolling out to First Release tenants, how long is it expected to take?

  • Dean_Gross's avatar
    Silver Contributor
    How are supposed to easily find these "Announcements"? shouldn't they be put into a dedicated channel/group/community
    • Lana O'Brien's avatar
      Lana O'Brien
      Former Employee

      These annoucements are published from Office Blogs. We're still working on a better way to highlight important announcements. 
