Forum Discussion

DarcySmith's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 11, 2022

Cannot Send this News post by email to Dynamic Distribution Group



I have been advised by staff that this function was possible in the past to share a Sharepoint News article directly to a Dynamic Distribution Group, however this is no longer an option in our environment as the Dynamic Distribution Group name no longer appears. Individual user email addresses and email distribution groups appear, just not our large Dynamic group that captures all email addresses I.e. Allusers@xyz. This could have been an internal permission change but wanted to check if this was always possible by design? Appreciate any comments or feedback

  • Sourceress's avatar
    Iron Contributor
    Wondering if there have been any updates on this - We specifically set up dynamic AAD groups for audience targeting and News Email Posts and Digests and now we can't send email to these groups. A royal pain! Now we're exporting lists of email addresses from our CRM as an interim measure.
