Forum Discussion
Rune Myrhaug
May 14, 2017Brass Contributor
E-mail from
In this quite "new" blog:
It's written "We're updating the OneDrive for Business Internal Sharing Mails. Mails sent from sharing documents from OneDrive for Business to internal users will have a new modern look that provides more information to the recipient as to what's being shared at a glance. At this time these mails will no longer be CC'd to the original sender. We will be replacing this behavior by sending these mails from the original sender's mailbox (as opposed to a no-reply address) in the near future."
I like this :) I also would like to have this behavior on mail's sendt from SharePoint Online (, when files in document librarys are shared. Do anyone know if it's any plan to move in that direction?
Br. Rune
- Mona_abd_el_salam_sobhCopper Contributor
- thedocnow82Copper ContributorI really do not care what your updating stop them from useing this for fraud. and request for sex. It against the law. how they got my email I do not but if my wife finds out your in for a law suite.
- gm_threathunterCopper Contributor
I have found a url to a Portugese company in a sharepoint malicious email:
To: "" <>
Subject: Payment Information
Thread-Topic: Payment Information
Thread-Index: AdWqubAM/FLAA2iSSba7qHI5VfukaQ==
Content-Language: en-US
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-RecordReviewCfmType: 0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
MIME-Version: 1.0View your remittance attached.
PDF remittance advice copy.pdf<>
If you have any queries out your invoice amount, Please see the support article on invoices and terms.
Finance Department
- thedocnow82Copper Contributor
Why is it that Microsoft can not stop this? It there program that is being used. I will get 20 one day and none the next and they are all about sex. most go to the spam file.
- I'm actually seeing this change in 2 of my tenants as I have discussed in the thread mentioned by Vasil
- StephenRice
The new sharing templates apply to all files and folders shared from both OneDrive and SharePoint. Hope that helps as well!
Stephen Rice
OneDrive Program Manager II