Forum Discussion
Jul 02, 2018Edit PDF in sharepoint online
Dear community, I am trying to edit pdfs stored in a document library on sharepoint with no success. Is this possible at all to do? Regards!
Jul 02, 2018
Hi Carl,
PDFs should be opened in your browser with no problems...can you share more details about what issues are you having?
PDFs should be opened in your browser with no problems...can you share more details about what issues are you having?
Jul 02, 2018Hi Juan,
Thank you for replying. Opening the PDF is not a problem, but I would like to be able to edit the PDF in the browser. Such as annotations or comment the text.
- Andrew SilcockOct 03, 2018Steel ContributorHi Carl,
As an alternative, if you have Acrobat Adobe DC (and possibly other instances), it is possible to map a SharePoint library with Adobe itself.
I agree it's really disappointing that we cannot force .pdfs to open in the desktop application.
Like Juan says, hopefully, we will get some better integration soon.
For some of our users, this is enough to stop them from using SharePoint. - Jul 02, 2018Well,
To do that, the only thing you can do (unless there is a browser Plugin that allows to do it) is to download the PDF file, edit it in your local PC and upload it again to the document librar. As an alternative to download the PDF file, you can sync to your PC using OneDrive For Business Sync Client and just edit the file using your PDF reader.
Microsoft and Adobe are working hard to have a better integration of Adobe in Office 365, so we can expect improvements in PDF documents edition in Office 365 in the future- BarbieCastilloFeb 16, 2023Copper Contributorany updates on this adobe Microsoft improvement?
- rpodricMar 04, 2023Bronze Contributor
For those hoping to see Acrobat at least be able to browse SharePoint so that you can open from/save to, there's a fundamental problem with that: Acrobat still doesn't support modern authentication, believe it or not:
So, if you "Apps that don't use modern authentication" blocked in your SPO Admin settings, as you should (but many probably still don't), when you go to add a SharePoint site to Acrobat it'll just sit there and not do it, leaving you confused. It's a sad state of affairs.
- VishalNaikSep 03, 2019Copper Contributor
This feature is available in Onedrive (within Office 365 Home). Why would it not be available on Sharepoint (which is within Office 365 Business Premium)
I am paying nearly 10 times as much to use Business Premium, and I need at very minimum for the feature i had within Office 365 Home and Onedrive to be available to me and my employees jcgonzalezmartin
- rodney martinFeb 05, 2020Copper Contributor
I have been trying to get Adobe Document Cloud to edit files in my Sharepoint Online Library. It appears that everything is there to make this work, but there is something missing. This is what I did:
1. Open Acrobat DC Pro
2. On the left bar, I pick "Add an Account"
3. Select "Add" under Sharepoint Site logo
4. Enter your SP account and URL
5. Finish login/password
6. Open the site!
My issue, none of the folders that show up have any files in them. All are empty. Ive been trying to figure out what is missing here. The hard part is done, Reader is connected to SP, and brings up the folder structure, but no files.
Oh, so what about the Sharepoint side?
1. Open up MICROSOFT EXPLORER!! (Sorry, yes. No menus in chrome.)
2. Open up your list, and find the item you wish to edit.
3. Select "Open in Adobe Document Cloud"
4. All looks like its going to work...
But HAHA! No, just kidding...
This error appears, end of 2nd failure.
Whats missing here? This has to work. Must be something simple.
- Juan GonzalezMar 12, 2019Iron ContributorAgree. I have complaint directly to Microsoft for this lack of functionality as it is incredibly frustrating for users. I can't believe companies like Dropbox and Box already offer this functionality but SharePoint doesn't. Truly painful to even advocate for SharePoint with end users.
Hope Microsoft and Adobe get on a solution for this very soon.