Forum Discussion

KJay1's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 16, 2019

Getting a value by dividing sum of columns in SharePoint list

I have a SharePoint list that I populate from an Excel file via SharePoint Rest API. Then, I have added sum of all the columns in the list. It works perfectly up till here. However, in the top most row of the list where sums are shown I need to show a value by dividing sum of one of the columns by another.  This value is supposed to change with the list filters. 

I have been scratching my head for the last two days to achieve this but all in vain. I will appreciate any help. I will provide further details if required. Thanks

  • Deleted's avatar
    Jan 21, 2019

    Hey Kjay! I took a glance at your screenshot and assumed a few things. First, you are using the Totals tool from the list view to display the numbers on the top, right? Second, that is a classic list view, aka classic layout. Third, you are using jQuery(I can see some nice formatting so I assume you are using it to fix stuff). If either one of these are not true, this may not work for you, tell me so we can try to work this out.


    Now, the solution. If you open the Developer Tools and inspect the ribbon that shows the totals, you may see that it's actually a <tbody> tag appended to the table that shows the results, before the tbody that actually shows the results. This ribbon is a <tr> tag with a static ID, so it was pretty easy to query it using jQuery.

    The function I included in the attachment basically picks the text of each one of the Totals row, calculate the average and set the value to the Average column.

    All you need to do is call it and provide the index of the columns containing the Total, the Sum, and the Average columns. It's important to note that the checkmark that shows when you hover the title of a row and the 3 dots("...") for the options do count as columns, so you have to include those to figure the index of your columns.

    Seeing your screenshot I would guess your columns A, B, and C are at indexes 4, 9, and 13. Call the function I provided and see if it works for you.

    One thing to note is that this function only changes the values when it is called, so you may want to call it every time the view changes.


    Well, I am having trouble uploading the code so I will just paste it here. Lemme know if you need anything. I would suggest opening your developer tools and testing the code before inserting it to the page to see if it works.


    function calcAverage(sum_column_index, total_column_index, average_column_index){

    var rows = $('#aggWPQ1 td');
    var hash =, target) => {return {name: $(target).text().split("=")[0], value: $(target).text().split("=")[1]}});
    var sum = parseFloat(hash[sum_column_index].value.replace(/[^0-9.-]+/g,""));
    var total = parseFloat(hash[total_column_index].value.replace(/[^0-9.-]+/g,""));

    var avg = (sum / total).toFixed(2);

    rows.eq(average_column_index).html("<strong>" + hash[average_column_index].name + '= ' + avg + "</strong>")



    Hope it helps,

  • So, you have a list where, for each row, one of the values is the sum of all the other columns? And now you want a row where, for a given column A, it shows the division of column A of row 1 by column A of row 2? Is that right? Lemme know if I got that wrong.
    Anyway, if you want values that change based on the filter, I think you'll need some coding. Maybe a webpart that reads the rows and divides their columns. Out of the Box there mmight not be a tool for that.
    • KJay1's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thank you so much for your reply Carlis. I really appreciate it. Actually the case is like this: I want to divide sum of column A by sum of column B and I want to show it on top of column C. These sums of Column A and Column B are calculated by SharePoint and shown on top of each Column. The row with sums does not actually exist in the list. It is created at run time. How can I achieve this division and show it in Column C. Screen Shot is attached for a clearer picture.

      • Deleted's avatar
        Hey KJay1, so I think I understando better now. So I assume you have totals fields on your view to show the sum of columns A and B, right? Well, I don't think you can use the same approach to have a division Total, though. As I said before, I think you would need some coding to do it. If you are willing to code a bit to get it working, let me know and I can see if there's a viable solution for this. If you want to stick to Out of the Box tools, I suggest you keep looking, but I believe it might not be achievable.
  • KJay1's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Please help, or at least let me know if its possible or not. 
