Forum Discussion

Mark-Kashman's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Sep 08, 2016

Keeping up with SharePoint announcements, changes, community ...

Hello SharePoint'ers,


A quick FIVE bullets of info to the best places to keep an eye on what is happening throughout the SharePoint of Things #SPoT :smileyhappy: -- news, announcements, futures, help and how to, and community discussions.


We want to be loud about cool new tech, ensure good change management, and be deeply involved with valueable public discussions before, during and after you adopt and deploy.


Keep engaged - keep us honest.


  1. Office 365 Roadmap: (it's easy to then filter by product - click Filters and select SharePoint listed under the Servcies tab).
  2. The official SharePoint blog within - this filters all relevant blog posts announcing new innovation, customer case studies and more.
    • And if your a developer, our dev-oriented posts go here:
    • We, too, send corresponding, direct-to-admin Message Center posts to notify Office 365 admins of change management.
  3. The @SharePoint Twitter feed: (we'll always highlight new announcements, let you know about rollout progress, and engage with your questions, feedback and tweets all up).
    • And much of the OneDrive for Business (ODB) news flows through @OneDrive, so keep an eye on that one, too. ODB is built on SharePoint and innovation driven by the same engineering team.
    • Extra credit Microsoft employee Twitter handles tweeting SharePoint (and possibly some other things as these are personal handles; all good to follow (at your own discretion :robotwink:): @jeffteper, @williambaer, @adamharmetz, @danholme, @mkashman, @cmcnulty2000, @reubenk, @omarshahine, and @TheSPMonkey :robothappy:. 
  4. SharePoint help on (you'll find a ton of help and how to articles written by people who work with our engineering teams to create content to help you adopt and use all aspects of SharePoint (within the Office help site)
  5. Right here on the Microsoft Tech Community site: (we'll engage here around our announcements and answer those deeper questions/concerns you have, and look to you to share your stories, ideas, feedback and more). It takes a village!


Open to your suggstions, too, where you find the best SharePoint info/insight - leave links and details in comments.


Hope to see you at Ignite 2016, in person at a SharePoint event, or via pixelated 'voice ' on the interwebs.





    • Mark-Kashman's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi Alexander. Yes, all is still valid, with the simple name update to the Office 365 roadmap - now called, Microsoft 365 Roadmap; the above URL still works to get you there, and the final, new URL = And LinkedIn is always a great resource to see what people are posting. And I would add our new bi-weekly podcast, The Intrazone - a show about the SharePoint intelligent intranet:; we're soon to publish our new sub-podcast all focused on "roadmap" - special episodes that help with just what you're inquiring about - keeping up with all announcement and managing through change management in style. :-)

      • Alexander Auras's avatar
        Alexander Auras
        Iron Contributor
        Thank you mark for this valuable update! Yes - The Intrazone of course, I am already a staunch listener :-)
  • Gavin Middleton's avatar
    Gavin Middleton
    Copper Contributor

    Mark, thanks for this.  I have a question related to one of your other blog posts which I cannot currently locate so apologies for asking the question here.  Is there a plan for document library app parts to reflect the new style document library view (ie include the breadcrumb trail when in folders)?   Is there something that my organisation needs to do to make this happen?


    Any help is most appreciated.



    • LincolnDeMaris's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Given, we're working on a modern list/library web part right now.  It will reflect the new modern document library styling.  I'll pass on the feedback about including the breadcrumb with this web part - may I ask why it's so important to you to have the breadcrumb attached to the web part?

      • Drew Madelung's avatar
        Drew Madelung

        There is a lot of folder usage so navigating up and down within the web part would lead to a better user experience to find documents through the web part.   I would agree this would be a nice touch. 

  • Antony Taylor's avatar
    Antony Taylor
    Steel Contributor

    Fantastic thanks Mark,


    I'm glad you've laid out that you plan to use the group for main announcements too. Means it'll definitely be one of my "Favourited Spaces"


    One thing I miss from the old Yammer network is the easy way to see announcements front and center from all spaces. At the moment I have to click into so many different spaces to try and find announcements.

    • Mark-Kashman's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Thx, Anthony. Pulling in MichaelHolste to review the feedback. Always nice to see a roll up, and I'm certain the Tech Community site will grow up fast to accomodate the view the community will use :-).



