Forum Discussion

John_Sanders's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jan 23, 2017

New web parts for your modern communications in SharePoint Online

The SharePoint team is excited to announce we're adding three new web parts to the toolbox when creating team news articles and modern pages:

  1. Image gallery
  2. Bing maps
  3. Quick charts

These new web parts are rolling out to First Release customers now


  • Note: only tenants that have First Release (FR) set to on for the entire tenant will see these features.
  • Per user first release flighting is not applicable when creating new content that could be seen/viewed by non FR enabled users.


What are modern pages you ask?

“Modern team site pages are fast, easy to author and support rich multimedia content. And pages look great on any device, in a browser or from within the SharePoint app. Using pages is a great way to communicate and share your ideas—such as status and trip reports, how-to write-ups, know-before-you-go guides and frequently asked questions.” - from our blog post last year.


Image gallery

The Image gallery web part lets you share collections of pictures on a page. Simply select your images with the file picker, or drag them on to the web part. Once you’ve built your collection, you can reorder them with drag and drop as well.


We support two beautiful layouts today:


  1. Tiles layout


Tiles view on a mobile phone

Larger screens

Tiles view on a larger screen

  1. Carousel layout


Carousel view on mobile

Larger screens

Image gallery on a larger screen

You can also add additional information about each image such as:

  • Image title
  • Image description
  • Alternative text

Looking forward, we will be listening to customer feedback and adding more layouts and features that highlight your images beautifully on pages.

Bing maps

This web part makes it easy to add a map to your page. Simply enter an address or a well-known location name, and your map dynamically appears.


If you want to pick a different map type, you can of course do that... as well as change the zoom level, label your map pin with a friendly name, etc.



Bing map on mobile

Larger screens


Depending upon your location, Bing maps may not support some map styles (e.g. Streetside view isn't available everywhere).

Quick charts

The Quick chart web part allows you to easily visualize simple data on your page. Enter your data points with labels, pick your chart type, and publish.


We support two chart types today:

  1. Column


Column chart on mobile

Larger screens

Column chart on larger screens

  1. Pie


Pie chart on mobile

Larger screens

 Pie chart on a large screen


We have a lot more web parts in the works, some of which you can see highlighted in this session “Discover the new SharePoint content publishing experiences” (link jumps right to web part section); from #MSIgnite.


As always, let us know what you think, and where we should invest more time.



The SharePoint Team
