Forum Discussion

Ádám Lukács's avatar
Ádám Lukács
Copper Contributor
Nov 06, 2018

Overdue task reminder workflow error

Dear All. First of all, sorry for the long post. :-) I would like to ask for your help regarding SharePoint overdue task reminder. I’d like to use the build-in task app for assign monthly tasks wi...
  • David DeKeizer's avatar
    Nov 06, 2018

    Your main issue is putting the Pause into the workflow. Try avoiding those whenever possible!

    I would recommend going much simpler with the following:

    Workflow 'Send Notification'
       Stage 1 : Send Email to [Assigned To]

    Information Management Policy:
        Based on Due Date - 2 Days > Initiate Workflow 'Send Notification'

    Information Policy Timer Job... {Central Admin}. This is defaulted to running once a week on Friday. You would have to update it to process at least once a day and can select the time it runs, avoiding the middle of the night issue.

    You can also use the notification workflow at other times, or manually kicked off
