Forum Discussion
Chirag Shah
Aug 30, 2018Copper Contributor
Rest API - Fetch Data using POST method and CamlQuery and Lookup Column
I am trying to get Username(Display name) from YourName field which is Person type field. But When I get result, I get ID as YourNameId. How can I get name rather than Id with using following method because it's mendatory for me to use it.
var restUrl = "'JourneyDetails')/GetItems";
var camlQuery = "<View><ViewFields><FieldRef Name='YourName' /></ViewFields></View>";
axios .post( restURL, { query: { __metadata: { type: "SP.CamlQuery" }, ViewXml: camlQuery } });
Update: 02-09-2018
I want to use filter as well
I have 2 more fields. Where I need condition like below
$filer= (SuprvisorResponse eq 'Approved') and ((DepartmenResponse ne 'Approved') or (DepartmenResponse ne 'Rejected')))
I got the solution. I used the POST method to fetch data from the list
My actual query is around 384 characters long.
I think this post can be helpful to anyone who is seeking a solution using the POST method and without the character limit.
When using $expand all the lookup columns must expand using FieldValuesAsText/ColumnName.'JourneyDetails')/GetItems?$select=*,FieldValuesAsText/YourName,FieldValuesAsText/Author&$expand=FieldValuesAsText&$filter=SupervisorApprovalStatus eq 'Approved' and TravelDepartmentApprovalStatus ne 'Approved' and TravelDepartmentApprovalStatus ne 'Rejected'
- Rishi GuptaBrass Contributor
Why are you using REST and CAML together. Looking at the query below, you can retrieve the values using REST api itself.
Try using $expand in the REST query to expand the column values. $expand can be used with User/Lookup/Choice fields etc to get the values instead of ID's.'JourneyDetails')/GetItems?$select=*,Author/Title&$expand=Author
- Chirag ShahCopper Contributor
I want to use filter as well
I have 2 more fields. Where I need condition like below
$filer= (SuprvisorResponse eq 'Approved') and ((DepartmenResponse ne 'Approved') or (DepartmenResponse ne 'Rejected')))
Problem for me is that when I build query it goes beyond 260 characters limit. I am using Sharepoint Online and there is possibility that I need to add one more filter.
So problem is getting bigger and bigger.
So I want solution where there is no limitation for this.
If you have any workaround please let me know.
And thank you for earlier reply but it isn't much helpful.
- Chirag ShahCopper Contributor
I got the solution. I used the POST method to fetch data from the list
My actual query is around 384 characters long.
I think this post can be helpful to anyone who is seeking a solution using the POST method and without the character limit.
When using $expand all the lookup columns must expand using FieldValuesAsText/ColumnName.'JourneyDetails')/GetItems?$select=*,FieldValuesAsText/YourName,FieldValuesAsText/Author&$expand=FieldValuesAsText&$filter=SupervisorApprovalStatus eq 'Approved' and TravelDepartmentApprovalStatus ne 'Approved' and TravelDepartmentApprovalStatus ne 'Rejected'