Forum Discussion
Brent Ellis
Sep 01, 2016Silver Contributor
Structured Navigation (Publishing) not supported on "Modern" Sites/Pages/Lists/Libraries
Creating a dedicated post to track this. Lots of discussion on this from Yammer, and havent really seen this anywhere here yet.. What is the status of new "Modern" capabilities to support struct...
- Feb 01, 2017
Brent Ellis (and others) - good news! We're finally pushing out a fix to support structured and managed navigation on modern pages/apps in classic sites.
With this update, if you have enabled publishing on a classic team site, your structured or managed navigation nodes will now render correctly in the modern pages (both global and current navigation), including any scoped or audience-targeted links. We haven’t pulled all the classic settings into the modern panels yet, so when you need to edit the navigation nodes the edit link will direct you back to the classic settings page (/areanavigationsettings.aspx).
We hope this unblocks folks who have been eager to move to the modern UX. Do try it out let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Pontus T
Jan 25, 2017Iron Contributor
Thank you,+1 here! Currently the only issue completely stopping us from moving the majority of libraries to modern. Would be nice to see this in the pipeline. I guess there are some major updates coming to managing navigation. Can't see why it would take so long to address this otherwise. Would at least be nice to have a temporary support, until something else is in place, so that we can start getting users up to speed on the modern libraries.
On a side note: I measured that the TTFB for opening our libraries is up to 10-15 seconds(!), unlike the new ones which are max 1 second. Yet another reason to move over.