Forum Discussion
Brent Ellis
Sep 01, 2016Silver Contributor
Structured Navigation (Publishing) not supported on "Modern" Sites/Pages/Lists/Libraries
Creating a dedicated post to track this. Lots of discussion on this from Yammer, and havent really seen this anywhere here yet.. What is the status of new "Modern" capabilities to support struct...
- Feb 01, 2017
Brent Ellis (and others) - good news! We're finally pushing out a fix to support structured and managed navigation on modern pages/apps in classic sites.
With this update, if you have enabled publishing on a classic team site, your structured or managed navigation nodes will now render correctly in the modern pages (both global and current navigation), including any scoped or audience-targeted links. We haven’t pulled all the classic settings into the modern panels yet, so when you need to edit the navigation nodes the edit link will direct you back to the classic settings page (/areanavigationsettings.aspx).
We hope this unblocks folks who have been eager to move to the modern UX. Do try it out let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Feb 01, 2017Brent Ellis (and others) - good news! We're finally pushing out a fix to support structured and managed navigation on modern pages/apps in classic sites.
With this update, if you have enabled publishing on a classic team site, your structured or managed navigation nodes will now render correctly in the modern pages (both global and current navigation), including any scoped or audience-targeted links. We haven’t pulled all the classic settings into the modern panels yet, so when you need to edit the navigation nodes the edit link will direct you back to the classic settings page (/areanavigationsettings.aspx).
We hope this unblocks folks who have been eager to move to the modern UX. Do try it out let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!
- Carolee HeynenMay 25, 2017Copper Contributor
Today I noticed that the Quick Launch navigation is not security trimmed in the Modern UI. Users see all the links instead of only those to which they should have access.
- Abhimanyu SinghFeb 25, 2017Steel Contributor
Hi ssquires, we are yet to see this.
Although the navigation is now settled up and the "page not found" link is gone, but the global (top) and current (left-pane) navigations are now the same. The actual global menu is now gone!! We have set it on our sub-sites to inherit from the parent site-collection, but somehow the new nav ignores that and makes the global navigation exactly same as the current (left) one. In our case, both are structural and not managed.
Further, the modern list/library still does not allow metadata filtering! We have set filters on term-sets, but in modern view that is not available. This new style is getting more furstating day by day. Our users still find the classic view more neat and clean. The new view looks very unpolished and unncessarily big.
- Miceile BarrettFeb 28, 2017
Hello Abhimanyu Singh, I am working on creating the modern list/lib metadata filtering experience and wanted to give you some updates on the progress. Currently, we have released a feature called "filters pane" Filters Pane Help Article. We have just rolled out to PROD so you can expect to see it within the week if you don't already have it!
This feature is the first iteration for replacing metadata nav. The next months will be focused on cleaning up the UI, supporting term set filtering, and making sure metadata nav will no longer force users to back to SP classic.
- Abhimanyu SinghMar 01, 2017Steel Contributor
Thank you Miceile Barrett. Yes, we can see the filter pane, but that includes only a limited number of the list fields and no metadata terms. We look forward for the full metadata filtering options. It is good to know that you are working on this.
- ssquiresFeb 28, 2017
Thanks Abhimanyu Singh - sounds like RobOK is reporting same. We'll take a look; the intended design is the modern page/controls use the same publishing provider navigation settings and render the data similarly.
As for metadata filtering on lists/libraries, we are working on a new experience for this that should be rolling out soon. Adding Miceile Barrett for notice/comment on that feature.
- Abhimanyu SinghMar 01, 2017Steel ContributorThank you @Sean. Hope to see this fixed soon. And thank you for pinging @Miceile on metadata filtering.
- Clint LechnerFeb 25, 2017Steel Contributor
Abhimanyu Singh -- there's no way that what you're seeing with the global and quick launch being the same is how it is supposed to be (I hope). At least, I hope that's not what Microsoft thinks is "fixed" or reasonable......... if so, they have pretty much destroyed the global navigation and any hope that people will move to modern sites quickly.
- Abhimanyu SinghFeb 25, 2017Steel Contributor
Clint Lechner see the screenshots that I took for both the classic mode (what it is supposed to be) and the modern mode (what is messed up):
ClassicSo-called Modern
- Feb 23, 2017
ssquires any idea when this will hit all tenants? I'm having issues with Page not Found showing up in modern views even though it's tagged as hidden in the navigation.
- ssquiresFeb 28, 2017
Hi Paul - rolling out fully to PROD this week. Thanks for your patience! - Clint LechnerFeb 23, 2017Steel Contributor
I'm eagerly awaiting this as well. So, with this in place, will the navigation propogate to all sites and subsites on all pages and have both/multi-levels as well? Ultimately, I guess my question is, will the navigation exactly mirror what's on the top level publishing site (if settings are set that way)? I'd also know if there's a way to check this as right now I basically script our navigation to pushed out everywhere and would love to stop doing that.
- PhilineVonFeb 13, 2017Steel Contributor
Just noticed the update to the managed navigation, great news and definitely more user friendly already.
However it doesn't seem show sub-links at the moment, is this feature still to come? Thanks
- ssquiresFeb 28, 2017
Hi PhilineVon - can you elaborate on your scenario? If you have enabled the publishing feature and wish to display subsites in the nav you'll need to set navigation to structural and select the option "Show subsites". If you are referring to displaying sublinks in a managed nav term set, we do display up to two levels. HTH.
- PhilineVonMar 06, 2017Steel Contributor
Hi ssquires, I referred to the top/global navigation on my previous post. This is currently set to managed navigation and as mentioned by someone here in this thread subsites are not available from the new top navigation. No little triangle pointing to more.
I also noticed that headers eg Operations which do not have any URLs attached to them now have a URL attached to them. Which then point to a page not found.This should not happen as this is not happening in the classic mode either.
In addtion, similar to above, in the navigation on the left the "recent" header (which pretty much annoys everyone (can we remove this please!!)) and all other headers who previously has no links attached to the them, now link to our root site. Again this should not be the case.
- RobOKFeb 13, 2017Bronze ContributorWe are having trouble with this. We have a modern Document library in a Sub-Site under a Site that uses the traditional UI. The modern is a test site.
We set the modern to be "Same as Parent" for Global, and Structural for Current navigation on the side. The document library is showing the Current navigation menus BOTH on the side and in place of the Global. Our true global is not shown at all.
I am not sure if we have the new code or not, not sure how to tell.
Rob.- ssquiresFeb 28, 2017
Thanks for reporting, Rob - I'm seeing this, too, and this is definitely not as designed; you should be able to set "Display the same navigation items as the parent site" and render the parent node values in the subsite. We'll take a look.
- Clint LechnerFeb 08, 2017Steel Contributor
Oooh ooh, me want! Looking forward to having this show up. Any rough timeline? Couple weeks?
- ssquiresFeb 28, 2017
Yes, this week! Thanks for your patience!
- David MehrFeb 08, 2017Brass Contributor
Hi ssquires , i can't found anything on the fasttrack roadmap. When is this fix planned?
- ssquiresFeb 28, 2017
Hi David - this week we will be fully rolled out to all of production. Let me follow-up on the notice on the fasttrack roadmap. Thanks.
- RobOKFeb 01, 2017Bronze Contributor
Thank you!!
Is there something obvious we can see to know that our tenant has received this capablity?
- ssquiresFeb 28, 2017
Hi Rob - a related issue/regression slowed the release of this fix. It will be fully deployed to all tenants this week. The easiest way to check is verify your navigation settings (assuming you have enabled publishing feature on a classic team site - it's the areanavigationsettings.aspx page: site settings > [look and feel] navigation) and test structural or managed nav setting w/ a modern page (i.e., document library, site contents, etc.).- Paul MartelloNov 28, 2017Brass Contributor
"assuming you have enabled publishing feature on a classic team site" Are you referring to activating SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure and SharePoint Server Publishing? Currently, I am creating a Communication site, and I can create a sub site, but the sub site does not inherit navigation from the parent site. I believe activating the above would solve the issue, but I cannot even do that.
- Marc WenningFeb 01, 2017Iron Contributor
Thats awesome, cant wait for it to rollout so we can start using the new lists and libraries once the navigation is working as it should.
- Pontus TFeb 01, 2017Iron ContributorThrilled to hear you are addressing this, thank you. A wish would be for MSFT to include updates like this one on the roadmap – making it a bit more detailed around the (post) rolllout of the modern experience. This would most likely reduce the confusion and number of posts here, all asking for the same thing.
- ssquiresFeb 28, 2017
Fair ask - let me follow-up w/ our marketing partners and see what we can do for this feature fix. Appreciate the feedback!
- Brent EllisFeb 01, 2017Silver Contributor
Still a few more roadblocks, but this helps remove one of the major ones!