Forum Discussion

Tejas Mehta's avatar
Tejas Mehta
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 23, 2017

UPDATE: Create Office 365 Groups with team sites from SharePoint home moving beyond First Release

We recently completed the worldwide rollout for Office 365 Groups getting full-powered SharePoint team sites at the end of January 2017.  Our next step is to now bring the ability to create SharePoint team sites connected to Office 365 Groups from SharePoint home beyond First Release. This next phase of rollout will begin today, and is expected to reach all customers worldwide over the next month. We also wanted to share some of the additional capabilities we’ve added to group-connected team sites since we first began roll out to First Release.

Create Office 365 Group-connected team sites from SharePoint home

No matter where you create an Office 365 Group from – whether SharePoint, Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, or elsewhere – you consistently get the full collaborative power of a connected SharePoint Online team site among the other services groups provides (shared inbox, shared calendar, Planner plan, team notebook, and more).


This move beyond First Release includes the capabilities described in our November blog post:

  • Fast creation of sites connected to Office 365 Groups from the SharePoint home page
  • Editable team site home pages that look great at your desk and on your phone
  • Modern creation panels for new libraries and lists
  • In-place navigation editing
  • Site settings panels for editing site information and site permissions
  • Modern page creation in classic sites
  • Admin controls for team site creation

The site permissions panel listed above has been enhanced to include options for adding members to the site’s Office 365 Group or simply sharing only the team site without providing access to other group resources.


The panel is intended to provide simple permissions management, but also includes a link to ‘Advanced permission settings’ for site owners that have a need to do things like add custom SharePoint permissions & mappings.

Site permissions management panel


Note this panel also allows you to add users or groups to the ‘Site Visitors’ permissions group, so it is easy to provide read-only access to the site.  All you need to do is add a new person or group via the ‘Invite people’ button, and then change their permission level to ‘Read’.  The user or group’s permission level determines which permission group they appear under – those with ‘Read’ permission will appear in the ‘Site Visitors’ category.


Changing permission levels directly in panel


Managing group-connected team sites

Since new team sites are connected to Office 365 Groups, managing them involves possible interactions with Office 365 Group settings in addition to those provided by SharePoint.  Examples include settings that apply to groups such as whether group creation is allowed in the tenant, which users are permitted to create groups, usage guidelines URL or group classification labels. Once the group-connected site is created, management of the site is likewise split between Azure Active Directory (AAD) PowerShell cmdlets and the SharePoint Online Management Shell.  Anything dealing with creation, deletion, un-delete (restore) or membership happens through AAD.  SharePoint-specific management, such as storage quota and link sharing policies, take place using the SharePoint management tools.


For governing modern site creation, this support page details the administrative controls, but is useful to summarize the relationship between a group’s policy settings and how the SharePoint ‘Create site’ experience behaves.  By default, if group creation is enabled in the tenant, the ‘Create site’ command will appear on SharePoint home, and if a user is permitted to create groups they will get the site creation experience.  If the user is *not* permitted to create groups, they will get the classic self service provisioning experience that results in the creation of a subsite.  The table below describes how the combination of group and site creation settings work together:


  * The current user is considered to have group creation permissions if the AAD property EnableGroupCreation is true, or it is false but the user is a member of the security group assigned to the GroupCreationAllowedId AAD property.   

** Site creation is enabled via SharePoint Admin Center under Site creation settings:

Site creation settings in SharePoint Admin Center 

In addition to managing site creation, we are also enabling the SharePoint Online PowerShell cmdlets to administer modern, group-connected site collections.  This means that modern team site collections can now be enumerated with the Get-SPOSite cmdlet with the following example:


              Get-SPOSite -Template GROUP#0 -IncludePersonalSite:$false


Most parameters for these site collections can also be set using the Set-SPOSite cmdlet, with the exception of those that would result in breaking connection with their corresponding Office 365 Group (e.g. you cannot set the Owner property using this cmdlet – you would need to set the Group’s owners via AAD).  Please refer to the respective documentation for each of the above cmdlets for additional details.  For more information on using PowerShell to manage Office 365 Groups, this article may be helpful as well.


What else is new?

In addition to the above, this phase of the rollout includes a couple of previously unannounced capabilities.


The first is a group membership management experience that lives in SharePoint itself.  Now, when you click on the member count of the group in the site header, you will be presented with a new group membership panel that allows you to add members and change their roles between owners and members, or remove them outright.  Users will no longer need to jump to Outlook to manage the group’s membership.

Group membership management panel 


The second is Content Type Hub syndication – modern sites can now consume content types that have been published from a central content type hub.  We heard feedback that this is an important feature to enable, and we are including it in this rollout.


As noted above, this rollout will take place over the course of a few weeks.  We are very excited for you to take advantage of modern, connected team sites and look forward to any feedback or questions you may have.  As always, please ask in a reply to this thread. 



  • Are there any plans to surface these sites via the SharePoint Admin portal as manipulating via Powershell is all well and good but not a simple task ?


    We currenlty have the situation where users have created groups but I am unable to tell who the owners are, this has potential to cause a nightmare around managment of content when the owners leave. 



    • Kathleen Lynch's avatar
      Kathleen Lynch
      Brass Contributor


      This is very frustrating as the SP Global Admin to have no visibility into the sites that are created with Groups. People reach out for support, but I cannot even see these sites exist, let alone be able to go in and support them.

      Is there any way to add the same top-level admin visibility that we get through the SP Admin site?

      I have to be an Exchange/Outlook admin to have visibility into Groups (beyond the fact that they exist), so I cannot even see who owns these sites.

      If site creation is done by default with Groups, and the creation of Groups being so ubiquitous and easy (we found a Group that was inadvertently created when sharing something in PowerBI!), we need to have some stronger management tools available in the SharePoint Admin side to properly provide oversight at the tenant level.

      • Ivan54's avatar
        Bronze Contributor
        the new SharePoint Admin Center solves that problem by showing all SP Site Collection, including those created by groups.
    • Tejas Mehta's avatar
      Tejas Mehta
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi Nicholas, we're working on surfacing group site collections so that they can be managed in UX (vs PowerShell).  We'll share more details when we can, but we wanted to make sure that PowerShell is available for use in the interim.

    • John Wynne's avatar
      John Wynne
      Silver Contributor
      I agree. There is a strong case for surfacing admin tasks more easily through the UI. PowerShell is an impractical option for most site and security administrators and particularly so 'at scale' Great functionality will not be implemented. Tejas Mehta Chris McNulty Mark-Kashman
  • Ivan54's avatar
    Bronze Contributor

    Wohoooo! Content Type Syndication! This is big, as it is a major hassle to do this manually.

    Scenario: usage of third party addons like that store .msg with metadata in SharePoint libraries requires the use of a custom email content type. 

    I'm still hoping that Microsoft eventually implements this on their own, or at least enable drag n drop to Group Inboxes.

  • John Wynne's avatar
    John Wynne
    Silver Contributor
    Great to see and try out Group Membership today. Impressive rate of innovation here, well done.
  • Brent Ellis's avatar
    Brent Ellis
    Silver Contributor

    What impact does setting the Group Members to Read on the sharepoint site have on Group Files, Notebook, etc (like from the Groups UI, and Groups mobile app?)


    I assume any of the Group workloads that technically live in SharePoint would just become read-only?


    Also, is there the possibility to do any kind of different permission levels for standard Group roles

    - Like make Group Members Contributors instead of Editors

    - Make Group Owners Editors, not Full Control

    - etc?

    • Tejas Mehta's avatar
      Tejas Mehta
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      BTW, there is a way to achieve the shift of members to 'Contribute' from 'Edit'. 

      1) Create a new SP group, e.g. "Foo group Contributors" and assign it 'Contribute' permission level

      2) Grant permission to this new SP group

      3) Add the 'Foo group' member claim to this SP group

      4) Delete the 'Foo group' member claim from the 'Foo members' SP group


      Net effect is to give contribute permissions to group members, however the simple UX will only show the 3 default SP groups.  Per my previous post, we're looking at adding a contribute bucket in the panel to simplify.


      • Proliance ITS's avatar
        Proliance ITS
        Copper Contributor
        Hi Tejas,

        I'm trying to do step 4 in your post but not having much success in deleting the 'Foo' group from the 'Foo Members' SP group. In 'Site Settings - People and Groups - Foo Members' UI, the 'Foo' group can't be selected like any other group member as the checkbox is grayed out. I've also tried creating a new 'TestGroup' and adding 'Foo' as member with the same issue - checkbox grayed out preventing member from being deleted. From the Sharepoint mgmt shell I've tried the following command:

        Remove-SPOUser -LoginName -Site https://<orgid>.sharepoi<foo> -Group "TestGroup"

        For LoginName, I've also tried the Foo group GUID given by:
        Get-SPOUser -Site https://<orgid><foo>

        They both return the error "Remove-SPOUser : The user does not exist or is not unique."

        Could you please point me in the right direction to delete the group from group membership?
    • Tejas Mehta's avatar
      Tejas Mehta
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi Brent, great questions.  You are right to note that if the group members are dropped to 'Read' on the SharePoint site, then any resource in SharePoint will be read only, including the Notebook. 


      On the questions around more advanced permissions, the goal of the new permission panel is to simplify and streamline the most common permission actions.  The panel shows the three default SP groups created for every site.  For those looking to implement more complex permission configurations, the panel provides an affordance to go to 'Advanced permission settings' which takes you to the classic user.aspx permissions management experience. 


      We are also looking at expanding the simple UX to expose a 'Site Contributors' group which would assign 'Contribute' to people or groups put in that bucket.  We have it on our backlog, but would love to hear more from the community on how valuable it would be.  We've heard feedback that the contributor role is preferable in some cases where site owners want to limit members from modifying lists and their views. 


      We do not have plans to allow for group owners to become editors.  Would love to hear more about that particular scenario as owners would lose the ability to manage permissions on the site, among other things, if they were dropped from full control to edit permissions.

      • Deleted's avatar



        On regular sharepoint team sites we usually change the "Site owners" from Full Control to Design or Approve. In order for them to be able to manage the site security we make the "Site Owners group" the Owner of the other 2, 3 or whatever amount of groups on the site. Then we expose the Site Users web part on the home page. This way they can click and add/remove users to the right spot without going into Site settings, changing things and breaking permissions on librariels/files etc. This proves to work nicely with all users no matter their level of SharePoint knowledge. I would love to see this or similar in these new Group team sites.  
