Forum Discussion
Mar 28, 2017UPDATE: Support for Structured/Managed Navigation enabled on Modern Pages in Classic Team Sites
Hi everyone! Thank you for the feedback around wanting to move to the “modern” team site experiences, and needing support for structured/managed navigation. We’re pleased to announce that we have addressed this issue and will be rolling out the fix to the worldwide production environment in the coming days. Thank you for your patience – and to the community for helping us identify some issues during the initial First Release preview!
With this update if you have enabled publishing on a classic team site, your structured or managed navigation will now render correctly in the modern experience (both global and current navigation), including any scoped or audience-targeted links. We haven’t pulled all the classic settings into the modern panels yet, so when you need to edit the navigation elements, the edit link will direct you to the classic settings page.
Navigation settings on a classic team site:
Now render correctly on a modern page:
Additionally, subsites will correctly inherit from the parent web when structural navigation is used.
Parent site:
We hope this unblocks you as you move to the modern user experience (UX). Try it out, and let us know if you have any questions. Thanks, Sean!
- Robyn CranorCopper Contributor
This doesn't render in the SharePoint App. It works in the browser on my mobile device, but not in the SharePoint App in my mobile device.
Will this be fixed, as what is designed to be a navigational hierarchy just comes across as a long list when using the App.
- Nate Clinton
Hi Robyn... could you send me more details? Screenshots of what you are seeing vs. what you see on the web would be great. I'll message you my email.
- Robert FreemanCopper Contributor
Please support global navigation on Modern Sites (not just modern experiences). Lack of global navigation option on Communication Sites and other modern site templates is just bad form.
We don't care if it uses a new interface or if it uses the Term Store, just get it done. MS should just buy out one of the 3rd party tools like it usually does if it can't hire proficient developers. - Anitha VyasCopper Contributor
- Peter-Ross CuthbertBrass ContributorA little late to the conversation here, but I was just wondering if any updates have been released on being able to set an item in left nav to be without a link? This is specifically for instances where you have a parent item that is purely descriptive and shouldn't link to anything, almost like a grouping and would only apply to first level items. Any feedback would be appreciated :)
- PhilineVonSteel ContributorIt still works if you are using classic team sites. When managing the navigation (Site Settings > Navigation) for a parent item use "add header" (the file icon), give it a name no link needed. For the child item then use "add link" and make sure these are indented under the header.
The good thing about parent items with no links is that the whole menu expands if you select it. This does not happen when the item has a link attached to it, you have to select the arrow next to it for that to happen.- Peter-Ross CuthbertBrass Contributor
Sorry should have specified, my previous message is only in relation to the modern experience pages and sites made with the new Team/Communication/Hub template that don't support SharePoint Server Publishing features and thus no managed navigation.
In these new sites, you only have access to "Edit Links" and it does not allow you to leave an item without a link. Inputting something like "#" just causes it to default to the root site collection.
A way to add a "Header" item through the modern experience "Edit Links" needs to be added.
- Beilul BrhaneCopper Contributor
Hi ssquires is there any way were one can only remove the left navigation?
- ssquires
Hi Beilul Brhane - not completely at this time (though I've heard of folks manipulating the page client-side after load). You can disable the quick launch in navigation elements setting (_layouts/15/navoptions.aspx) - but we still render the recycle bin outside of this setting so it will still display. We are looking to modify this, but no ETA at this time.
- Beilul BrhaneCopper Contributor
Hi ssquires, Is there a way can remove the left navigation in the modern experience?
- Deleted
ssquires Really like the push for the modern and especially a Responsive experience, as that is absolutely essential in pushing SharePoint to a client now adays, the first thing a client asks is "is it responsive?". So far, huge leaps have been made and its looking good!
Big issue however is the Top nav not being included. Any idea on when we can expect to have the Top Navigation into the mobile experience? As previously mentioned it dissepears when the screen is 640px or something like that.
As of right now, its hard to recomend the client a navigation option that includ the Top nav at all, as we do not really know when it will be possible to use it in the mobile view. If we use the top nav, the user cant navigate properly using the phone.
This leads us to use the Quick Luanch navigation entierely. But that hits on another problem. The navigation is not collapsed as default. This means that without a top navigation the left navigation becomes extreamly cluttered and large, and is expanded by default.
3 things:
1. Top nav need to be shown in the mobile experience, is this still the plan? And if so whats the ETA?2. Left nav desperately need to have "Collapsed" as default option.
3. Aditionally, on nother note, the ms-siteLogo-defaultLogo link needs to have the option to allways link to the top site collection landing page. Without the ability to inject JS this needs to be an option, as that is one of the main things i allways get requested to fix for our clients as developer.
Regards- PhilineVonSteel Contributor+100 for Left nav desperately need to have "Collapsed" as default option.
- Peter McdermottIron Contributor
A little late to the party here, but trying to solve for navigation on a new Modern site. In the Classic sites it was very easy and straight-forward to create a horizontal navigation bar. This allowed users to select from over 50 wiki pages in a very organized fashion. However, unless I'm missing something, I can't determine how to create a horizontal navigation bar in the modern pages environment without having to go through the Navigation menu in Site Settings. Is there not an easy "Edit Links" button that someone could use?
- ssquires
Hi Peter Mcdermott - if you have sufficient permissions you should see an inline edit button that allows you to add, move, and group navigation links. From the pages library there's also an option in the context menu to add to the navigation. Take a look at this article for more details: (let us know if you have other questions). Thanks!
- Peter McdermottIron Contributor
ssquires, thank you for the link. This bullet point addressed my concern:"In SharePoint Online, you can only customize the left-hand menu on a team site at this time unless you are in classic mode."
- Adrienne KiddBrass Contributor
ssquires This is still not working. When there is a third level, the second level stops working. This is the only thing stopping us from moving to the new library experience, which we are desperate to do. Please can you help??
- ssquires
Adrienne Kidd - very sorry about this; we validated this very scenario when we rolled the fix out earlier this month - but I'm now able to repro, too. I have an engineer investigating.
- Deleted
I've reached the structure of my solution where I created a Classic team site, added publishing features and added metadata navigation on my left nav. Problem is that it's expanded by default. It's not so user friendly and now we only have about 20 pages but once the application is done it will be hundreds.The default setting should be collapsed.
And trimming it down is no use, it's for a Customer in the public sector.
- PhilineVonSteel ContributorI can confirm, that the second level does not work when there is a third.
- Adrienne KiddBrass Contributor
What on earth is going on? Our navigation is still all messed up. When there is a third level flyout, it stops the second level fly-out from working.
We urgently need to upgrade to the modern library experience, and have been wanting to all year, but this failure to render the navigation is stopping us from doing so.
Please can you provide an update??