Forum Discussion
Jan 31, 2019Dynamically Populate SPO List With Files From Specific Folder?
Can I dynamically populate a field in a SPO list (when a new item is being added) with a list of files (user will select one file) from a specific doc library or folder?
Feb 08, 2019I have worked with PowerApps some recently and I would prefer if users submitted their requests from a PowerApps form rather than clicking "Add new item" on a SP list page.
I really only need users to provide a file name in the form. However, I need to present the user with a list of available files in a doc library. Once they select a file, there no need to retrieve additional details about the file as the filename is all that I need.
Can you provide a link or details on how to create a drop-down list of filenames from a doc library within PowerApps?
Thank you for taking the time to provide a response!
russell gove
Feb 13, 2019Copper Contributor
I don't have a link. You would just create a new data source on your form pointing to the library. Then add a drop down control and set its Items property to the Items property of the data source you added.