Forum Discussion

SP_Rambler's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 18, 2024

How to stop SharePoint list custom column formatting affecting form display?


I am trying to apply custom formatting to a multi-select 'Choices' column in a SharePoint list. The custom formatting applies consistent capitalisation to choices, and joins them with a delimiter (required as just applying the style removes spaces between choice items). The custom formatting JSON is as below:

"$schema": "",
"elmType": "div",
"txtContent": "=join(@currentField,', ')",
"text-transform": "capitalize"

However, when I apply this style to the column through the JSON editor it affects the display of the corresponding field in the form, adding line breaks where they are not wanted, as below.

I have tried adding "word-wrap": "nowrap" in the style element of the column format, which works to stop the new lines being added where they are not wanted but prevents logical new lines being added to show all selected elements. I've also tried variations of the "width" property in the style element to try and force the form to use all available space, but to no avail.

Interestingly, this only affects 'edit' and 'view' forms (where you are interacting with an existing item) and is not affecting the 'new' form when creating new items.

I have custom JSON formatting in the 'Head' section of the form itself, but nothing in the 'Body' or 'Footer' sections. I've tried removing the customisation in the 'Head' but this doesn't resolve the issue.

If anyone has any solutions they can offer they would be very much appreciated.

  • {
      "$schema": "",
      "elmType": "div",
      "txtContent": "@currentField",
      "style": {
        "background-color": "=if(isBlank([$Emp_x0020_Returns_x0020_OF306]) || isBlank([$LP_x0020_Sends_x0020_OF306]), 'LightCoral', if((Number([$Emp_x0020_Returns_x0020_OF306]) - Number([$LP_x0020_Sends_x0020_OF306])) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) <= 10, 'LightGreen', if((Number([$Emp_x0020_Returns_x0020_OF306]) - Number([$LP_x0020_Sends_x0020_OF306])) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) >= 11 && (Number([$Emp_x0020_Returns_x0020_OF306]) - Number([$LP_x0020_Sends_x0020_OF306])) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) <= 20, 'LightYellow', if((Number([$Emp_x0020_Returns_x0020_OF306]) - Number([$LP_x0020_Sends_x0020_OF306])) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) > 20, 'LightCoral', '')))))",
        "color": "black",
        "padding": "5px",
        "border-radius": "5px"

    try this:



    • SP_Rambler's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Unfortunately that's not done it - this looks to be adding colours to choices pills, I'm looking to manipulate the text to show proper case but without affecting the update form view. Is there a way to alter your code to achieve the desired result?

      • add:
        "style": { "text-transform": "capitalize" }

        or if it's the whole word:

        "txtContent": "=toUpperCase([$Title])"
