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VesaJuvonen's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Sep 05, 2016

New SharePoint /Office Dev Patterns and Practices Webcast - Getting started with SharePoint WebHooks


In this PnP Web Cast we concentrated on showing how to get started with upcoming SharePoint Webhooks. SharePoint Webhooks allow developers to build service integration which subscribe to receive notifications on specific events that occur in SharePoint. When one of those events are triggered, SharePoint will send a HTTP POST payload to subscriber. SharePoint Webhooks will be supported for asynchorinious events, like for ItemAdded or ItemAttachmentAdded. To be able to subscribe to SharePoint Webhooks, you'll need to build a service, which will response on the subscribed validation messages and will process the incoming events.


Notice. When this webcast was released SharePoint Webhooks were not yet released. They will be provided for Developer Preview soon with support for list item specific events for lists and libraries. 


Presentation covers following topics:

  • What are Webhooks?
  • Process for subscribing to a SharePoint Webhook
  • Event notifications from SharePoint
  • Demo setup and details on performed steps

Web cast demo shows following details

  • Registration of Azure App used for Webhook
  • Using PostMan to register a Webhook for SharePoint
  • Responding to Webhook validation tokens from WebAPI
  • Processing incoming events from SharePoint
  • Using ngrok to develop SharePoint Webhooks locally in your development environment

Web cast presenters: Bert JansenVesa Juvonen


Presentation used in this web cast is available from


More guidance and details around the SharePoint webhooks will be soon available from SharePoint developer center.


If you have any questions, feedback or comments; please let us know. 


  • Aidan Garnish's avatar
    Aidan Garnish
    Copper Contributor

    Is there any update on when Webhooks will be available? The presentation suggests summer '16 but I still get the message that it is an unavailble experimental feature in my developer tenant.

  • Paul Willen's avatar
    Paul Willen
    Copper Contributor

    I've created the shownotes for this webcast.

    If you want to quickly go to any part of the webcast click the link next to it..





    Theory: What are webhooks


    Theory: Subscribe to a webhook


    Theory: Event notification in action


    Theory: Demo Setup


    Start Demo


    Demo: Create Application inside Azure AD


    Demo: Postman Configuration


    Demo: Do a GET request - Getting the library ID and Title


    Demo: Into Visual Studio - High level explaining the API Service


    Demo: Launching the API Service in Localhost


    Demo: Launch NgRok to conntect Localhost to Postman


    Demo: Creating the subscription


    Question: What about the 5 second timeout - Where did we see that?


    Demo: Final part of the demo - Making a change in the document library


    Theory: Resources for this demo

  • Hi,


    Will WebHooks also be shipped to SP2016 like the SharePoint Framework will do? If so, will it be part of the same featurepack as the SP Framework or a seperate one?



    • VesaJuvonen's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      We are looking to get the webhooks to on-premises as well, but there's no specific time line or agreed feature pack which it will be delivered at this point. We'll share additional details when they are available. 
