Forum Discussion

Sal_Sal's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 22, 2019

SharePoint Designer Cannot open list with 5000 items


I'm not able open a SPO list in the SharePoint designer that have more then 15000 items, none of the views running into 5000 threshold issue. I need to modify list forms in SharePoint Designer. In the designer I tried to get to the list from List and Libraries and from All Files->List->Custom_List but none of them worked and I'm keep getting "The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold enforced by admin".

Please suggest?




  • Melanie Howes's avatar
    Melanie Howes
    Copper Contributor

    I'm having the same issue. Would be good to get a reply from Microsoft. Can SPD not handle lists over 5000 items? In which case it's time to look for a non-SharePoint solution for me. 

    • c736030's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Melanie Howes  we are also having significant issues with the 5000 view limit for lists that we are using in vlook ups that worked in previous version of sharepoint but have now all gone faulty since migrating everything into O365 SharePoint Online. Indexing columns does absolutely nothing. I have used every single trick in the book and nothing works. Once again, Microsoft, this is just not good enough.

    • Russell Gove's avatar
      Russell Gove
      Iron Contributor
      I had the same problem and opened,a ticket. msft got back to me the next day in an email and saiid they found the 'root cause' . I can now open my list in SPD.

      Has it been fixed for you? If not, yo may need to open a ticket. Ticket number was 17395226 with isha if that help anyone.
