Forum Discussion
Nov 15, 2023Copper Contributor
Sharepoint List Column Lookup based on other columns
I have 3 Sharepoint Lists
1- System Names
2 - System Access Rights
3 - System Access
List 1 has just one Column called Title and has a list of system names that we use as a business. these Values are all unique. For example System 1, System 2, System 3 etc
List 2 has 2 columns. System Name - which is a lookup of the above list and Access right name which is a test field. This List lists out all the access types relevant for each System, eg
System 1; Payment Inputter
System 1; Payment Releaser
System 1; System Administrator
System 2; Read Only
List 3 has 3 columns. Person Name - Person field, System Name - lookup from List 1, Access Rights - which is where I have my question
I would like the Access Rights column to be a lookup but only show filtered items relevant to the system selected in the System name column. For Example:
John Smith; System 1; This I want to just display Access rights relevant to System 1, using example above Payment Inputter; Payment Releaser; System Administrator and allow user to select relevant right or rights relevant to that person from the lookup list.
Hope this makes sense, is this possible?
- John-CKCopper ContributorMakes sense to me -
I have a similar blocker ;
BusinessFunctions list
Dependencies list
Vendors list
Everything is fine until I try to nest below 2 levels - it seems SP Lists can't cope with 3 levels of nesting / relationships - which sucks
Every question I've seen in the community about this (or similar) has NO replies.....
In my example
List 1 (Functions) looks up List 2 (Dependencies). List 2 looks up List 3 (Vendors) - In isolation, this all works, but, I cannot find a way to surface the vendor name at Function level.
This has lead me round in circles for about a week now and I can't find any solution.
Did you ever solve yours?
ThanksJohn-CK Yes, you are correct. SharePoint lookup columns does not support 3 levels of nesting / relationships.
If you are using SharePoint online, you can customize the list forms (for list 3) to show drop down options (from list 1).
- Customize a Microsoft Lists or SharePoint form by using Power Apps
- Use drop-down lists with choices from lookup columns in a list created using Microsoft Lists
- Adding Power Apps dropdown list from a different SharePoint list
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- John-CKCopper ContributorHi ganeshsanap
As I do not have the resources at present to support a power apps development, I have elected for a dirty workaround
Using automation, I will populate a hidden field with the text value of the selected lookup option in List 2. By doing this, I will carry a text version of the value that will allow me to group, sort, link within lists etc. In addition, I am also storing the VendorCodeID (also hidden) so that when I need to produce analyses outside of Lists, I can then nest to 3 levels and beyond.
Not very elegant, but it gets the job done
I have to say - I am surprised at discovering this significant limitation and irritated that its not more clearly detailed / called out (at least no anywhere I've seen so far)