Forum Discussion

ofergalinIsrael's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 22, 2024

workbench.aspx break when clicking "Preview"

On every web part I develop, running in /_layouts/15/workbench.aspx of all tenants I have access to, clicking the preview to debug, causes an error:

"Uncaught Error Error: The value for "domElement" must not be null
at e.isNotNullOrUndefined ("


I see it was reported in but no explanation or solution.

Please fix our workbench! Lots of SPFx developers are stock now.

Thank you


  • jfgagnon's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Same problem.  I need preview to build a mobile interface to my spo app.

    Fed up of microsoft to the brim.   They fool around and we developer find out.

    • ofergalinIsrael's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      You and everyone else on this planet, which uses the workbench. 😒
      But since it has nothing to do with copilot, it is not important. 😊
  • ofergalinIsrael Craig-Pulliam abdul-alhariri 


    Try this:

    1. Create a site page in any of your SharePoint site for testing SPFx web part
    2. After running gulp serve command, instead of using workbench URL, use URL like:

    Similar threadSPFx workbench crashes when I try to enter "Preview" mode 

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    • ofergalinIsrael's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      ganeshsanap I know I can do this but there are limitations.

      Most My webparts are full page and deployed as app. So, development is best in the workbench.

      I found out I can work with it without hitting preview. 

      I just don't understand why MS can't figure a fi,x for a month now, to a product they brag about as a tool for SPFx.



  • abdul-alhariri's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I'm having same problem. it seems React version issue. If started a web part without using react, it works fine!
