Forum Discussion

Paul Muller's avatar
Paul Muller
Copper Contributor
Feb 15, 2017

Screen sharing clashes with VPN?

While connected through VPN screen sharing fails with "We can't connect you to the presentation" (macOS, Viscosity/OpenVPN).


I'm not seeing any errors in the Console from Skype for Business. I've experienced this for weeks and months but only just now figured out that it's caused by a VPN connection.


I'm on Office Insider Fast for Skype for Business and thus running 16.3.241.


Side note: I don't need VPN to access the "Skype server" but I have it on for other connections to my employer.

  • Hi Paul.  Can you please update to the new insider fast build 16.4.203 and report the issue?  Then we can get the log files to see what's happening.




    • Paul Muller's avatar
      Paul Muller
      Copper Contributor
      I'm on 16.4.203 now. Where are those log files stored? Is there a way to maybe increase the log level beforehand to provide more insight?
      • Kam Foo Aw's avatar
        Kam Foo Aw
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        Hi Paul.  You can find the log files here:



        You can report the issue via Help/Report an issue... too.

