Forum Discussion

RobYoung's avatar
Iron Contributor
Mar 28, 2017

A few questions regarding Call Queues and Auto Attendant

I noticied that our Call queue no longer states "in preview"  is it safe to say it is productopn mode?   We currently have a thrid party host our VOIP services so even though our users are all clou...
  • Mohammed Anas Shaikh's avatar
    Mar 30, 2017
    Maybe You can try This

    Create Three AA and Two Call Queues


    Set them like this
    Business hours 8am to 5PM
    Business hour call handling would go to CQ1-Toronto
    Afterhours Redirect this call to AA2-Calgary

    This way any call made to AA1-toronto during 8am to 5PM EST will be answered by CQ1-Toronto
    Any call after hours will just go to AA2-Calgary
    So after 5PM EST till 5PM PST all calls for Toronto will go to AA2-Calgary and the CQ2-Calgary

    Business Hours 8am to 5PM MST
    Business hours call handling will go to CQ2-Calgary
    After Hours the call will be forwarded to AA3-Afterhours

    Business Hours will be Only 8am to 10am EST
    Business hour call handling will go to CQ1-Toronto
    Afterhours Redirect this call to after-hours service.

    I believe the above may help you achieve what you like but I agree it Is not a great/simple method.
    One issue with the above is you would need to create three OrgAA's, Two Call Queues. And you won't have separate mailboxes for Toronto and Calgary for after hour messaging.
    Not sure if it helps but thought I'd suggest.
