Forum Discussion
Nicholas Williams
Mar 27, 2017Brass Contributor
Voicemail for Auto Attendant & Call queueing
Hello all, I really want to request that they add Voicemail to Call Queuing and Auto Attendant this is a important features for after hours calls for our helpdesk - is this possible to do? ...
Mar 27, 2017Seems like you would need to have an email account with UM, Exchange 3 plan likely, and have a generic Voicemail AA account created. It is how we integrate with UM for 365 now with an Avaya On Prem PBX. After hours, it routes the call to the VM for call coverage/voicemail. Then users can listen the next morning to the voicemail in that other email account which you have assigned delegation rights to gain access to. Just like any user. I have 2 email/E3 accounts dedicated to handle to night AA's, which gives user an option to press 0, or stay on the line to leave a general message in the voicemail box. Or, after the greeting, if there are no options, I just route it to the voicemail box upon picking up, and play the actual voicemail box greeting and say leave a message, no AA greeting/file involved. Not sure how to do this with Skype AA though. Doing testing now.
- Nicholas WilliamsMar 27, 2017Brass Contributor
I don't want to have to license department's voicemail in the cloud with licenses I just need something that just works seemless with Skype Online. We are 100% Skype for Buisness Online but cannot move our auto attendant or queueing till we have general voicemail access.
- DeletedMar 27, 2017
I gotcha. We are entirely Exchange Office 365 E3 customers. Just doing testing with cloud PBX due to other issues with an OnPremise.
Just provding and option/solution to the issue. It is the only way we can make UM/Exchange work so off hours there is a voicemail box, and in order for that, you need a full E3 license so you can assign UM/Voicemail functions to the mailbox.
Avaya and other phone vendors don't even offer this function/feature in their Avaya S8300/G450 VoIP PBX. Auto attendant is built into one of the modules/cards in the PBX, but it can't do anything but then route the call, do options/coverage paths and of course, route it to an extension, which in our case is a generic email account with UM/Voicemail and extension assigned to it.
Then assign other user as delegates in Exchange to that email account, shows up in the Outlook listen/route/forward or delete voicemail as needed that way.
Where do you think this voicemail is going to land once it hits the AA and they have an option to do something like leave a message? The mechanism to provide voice mail services anyway? Just curious, because something/somewhere has to be able to take the voicemail from the caller, convert and store it someplace, like a send to email, or local voicemail server/service. Which is Exchange Online in the Cloud pbx they offer.
Not sure how you can get around it. I know, it is like $20 per AA to do this, but not sure what the other options are. Been out of other PBX/UM/Auto attendant area for years though, maybe I'm just not familiar with other PBX/Cloud offerings and how they would handle a VM from AA.
- Nicholas WilliamsMar 27, 2017Brass Contributor
I just really like to avoid having a Exchange Mailbox for this - I rather it be perhaps a Shared Mailbox - or a distro group you cannot forward the Auto Attendant to Voicemail after the person doesn't answer anyways even doing queuing this cannot work for us till we can do Voicemail after hours and during holiday's and when they are away from their desk.