Forum Discussion
Saranya Yogarajah
Feb 13, 2017Welcome to the Call Analytics Preview!
Hi everyone,
Welcome to the Call Analytics Preview Program! This community board is for you to ask questions related to this program. Myself and the Call Analytics Program Manager Mohamad Saleem are here to review and help you out! Looking foward to hearing from you!
- Santosh ramchandraCopper Contributor
I am looking to get information about meetings the dashboard shows and how many days back would the Call analytics dashboard go? is there a limit on the number of days or months data that the dashboard would show?
thank you,
- kappa-alphaCopper Contributor
I have the same question regarding how far back we can look...
- Chad RoweBrass Contributor
Mine says 7 days or 28 days in my Teams admin portal. If using powershell, you can get session detail going back 30 days using the get-CSUserSession command. Or at least that worked for Skype for Business. I've heard references saying that Microsoft has up to 365 days worth of this data but when I look, I only have 30 days worth I can go back.
- kappa-alphaCopper Contributor
Where do I find the detailed call analytics within the teams portal?
User Search - Microsoft Teams & Skype for Business Admin Center
Call Analytics (Preview) is retiring on January 31, 2019. We've rolled out an improved Call Analytics experience in the Microsoft Teams
- Chad RoweBrass Contributor
I see that all tenant's get this preview now, which is awesome information by the way. Is there anyway to increase the logging from 6 days to like 2 weeks or more?
- Chad RoweBrass Contributor
I see that all tenant's get this preview now, which is awesome information by the way. Is there anyway to increase the logging from 6 days to like 2 weeks or more?
- Jason BenwayIron ContributorIs there more details on how to understand the Analytics? I see person to person call for 18 minutes, it shows the call was dropped but there is no additional details.
I see audio sections of a conf call and the audio quality shows 'Unavailable ' Why isn't there details on the video or desktop sharing?
Love where this is going. much better than what we had before.- Aaron Steele
As the service exits private preview, I am hoping we can provide some guidance and clarity around these things through videos or blogs. I do not know yet if we've done that adequately.
- Jason BenwayIron Contributoris there an estimated time when it will be out of private preview or somewhere I can ask for more help with the details?
- John FrancisIron Contributor
Hi Saranya & Mohamad,
I have a question about Trace Route (found under Call Analytics Overview --> Network --> (sub-header) Trace Route), and its relation to Average/Max Round Trip Time (found on same page, but under sub-headings Inbound Network & Outbound Network).
Scenario: Under the Heading 'Outbound Network' - I am looking at a call with Average RTT = 150ms and Max RTT = 159ms.
Meanwhile, Under the Heading 'Trace Route' - I am seeing the maximum Round Trip Time listed for any of the several hops is 80ms.
My question is: Can you please define the source/origin of the Round Trip Time entries in the Trace Route table?
Is it always the endpoint (so - with each incremental hop, the RTT is inclusive of the hop(s) before it)?
Or is it only representing the time between it and the previous hop?
I am suspecting the former, but want to confirm.
Thank you.
- Aaron Steele
So, This is a bit unique and we are in fact tweaking the way this feature works in ACA. As soon as your traceroute hits the first ingress point of the "Microsoft Network", the final hop starts replying not that hop. Other hops, it will be the intervening hop itself replying, but once it reaches our side, it is the final hop replying.- John FrancisIron Contributor
Thanks Aaron.
The 'unique' workings are still a little fuzzy, but good to know it is still in development. I will be keeping an eye on the evolution.
Cheers ~
- Anyone else seeing a problem with Call Analytics ? Since yesterday I just get a blank page.
- barry higginsCopper Contributor
I'm having the same issue, I have 2 tennets both on the preview and previoulsy working but now both showing blank pages when logging into:
Is there a general issue? Seems have been doing this since Friday.
One of the tennets ID's is
- Leonardo Wormull
I get the same white page using Google Chrome but if you use Microsoft Edge or IE 11 works
Is this your case?
- Aaron Steele
Working in my tenant. Sorry, um, what tenant are you using so we can check.
- Adrian HydeSteel Contributor
Hello Saranya Yogarajah and Mohamad Saleem- the URL I received in the "welcome to the preview" email is no longer working. Is the site moved or down right now?
(And if moved - what is the new URL?)
- Saranya Yogarajah
Is this the link to the documentation?- Adrian HydeSteel Contributor
- Ashley MullengerCopper Contributor
Not sure how often you are checking this board @Mohamad Saleem?
I'm trying to upload our 1180 subnets to this Call Analytics tool so we can evaluate our more than 850 offices globally, but I can't do that as the tool just says error in the upload without any feedback on which line the error is so I can correct it.
Some feedback to this discussion board would be appreciated.
- Kit SkinnerCopper Contributor
Hey Ashley,
I was finally able to get it to upload with CQD format, but it had to be CSV (even though the site says TSV). Also, no header; just data in row 1.
I'm not sure its doing much beyond uploading the sites for a future use. I can still only pull reports by user and the reports don't seem to include site information. It might still be early and the analytics just haven't incorporated the details yet, but at least I got the CSV to upload.
Thank you,
- Ashley MullengerCopper Contributor
Managed to get it working. Yes I had used the same format as the CQD without headers etc - infact I had loaded data to the CQD already so I thought I knew what I was doing :-) The trick I found is that fields cannot be blank and with 1200 networks I wasn't going to fill all the details out, so just put a dash in empty columns, and it works fine.
- Juan AlvaradoCopper ContributorAny webpage with help? I can't find the way to upload information to get reporting by Site. I guess you can upload sites and subnets. not sure if it use other database
- Ashley MullengerCopper Contributor
HI! Very impressed by the high level visability and ability to drill down. I have the same issue as Juan Alvarado, I'd like to upload site info but unsure of the format of the file to be used - number of columns - with or without headers etc would be nice to have it confirmed that it's the same as CQD or some more info on this - the error info provided by the site is very limited.
Update - I managed to get at least one error that mentioned the same headers as CQD File Format but when I have the file created like that there is just a message saying there was an error and no further info on what the error was....
- Juan AlvaradoCopper Contributordid you remove headers?
- Nate Smyre
It is supposed to leverage the same kind of file formatting as the CQD uses, however, I'm unable to get this to work.
- Bas van RooijCopper ContributorWhat is the URL for the call analytics preview dashboard? I just saw on the site that we were assigned to the preview a month ago, but I never got any confirmation email with the details.
- Leonardo Wormull
Using your tenant admin credentials, log in to this portal Bas van RooijCopper Contributorthx, I was able to login!