Forum Discussion
Feb 10, 2025Copper Contributor
How can I optimize this query for better performance
Hi ,
I have this query and it is taking a long time. If there are more than 10k rows, it takes more than 5 minutes. Is there another way to speed up the process?
Id [Id],
transactionsId [TransactionsId],
amount [Amount],
AccountId [AccountId],
dbo.Account_FirstBalance(CreationDate, AccountId, 161, CompanyId) [FirstBalance]
FROM p_Ledger
WHERE CreationDate >= '2024-11-01'
AND CreationDate <= '2025-02-11'
AND CompanyId = 117
AND branchId = 161
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Account_FirstBalance](
@TransactionsDate DATETIME,
@AccountId BIGINT,
@BranchId INT,
@CompanyId BIGINT
SELECT @credit = SUM(CASE WHEN T.transactionStatusId = 1 THEN T.amount ELSE -T.amount END)
FROM dbo.Transactions T
T.Approval = 1
AND T.CompanyId = @CompanyId
AND T.AccountsId = @AccountId
AND T.IsDeleted = 0
AND T.transactionsDate < @TransactionsDate
AND (@BranchId = 0 OR T.branchId = @BranchId);
RETURN ROUND(COALESCE(@credit, 0), 2);
- rodgerkongIron Contributor
As olafhelper said, the UDF is the source of your issue. There are 2 ways to modify your query
- Use JOIN and aggregated function in a subquery/CTE, then JOIN with p_Ledger to get result.
- Use CROSS APPLY replace the UDF, so the query might run in parallel.
Code 1
WITH CTE AS ( SELECT T.CompanyId, T.AccountsId, T.branchId, L.CreationDate, SUM(IIF(T.transactionStatusId = 1, T.amount, -T.amount)) [FirstBalance] FROM p_Ledger L INNER JOIN dbo.Transactions T ON T.CompanyId = L.CompanyId AND T.AccountsId = L.AccountId AND T.transactionsDate < L.CreationDate AND T.branchId = L.BranchId WHERE L.CreationDate >= '2024-11-01' AND L.CreationDate <= '2025-02-11' AND L.CompanyId = 117 AND L.branchId = 161 AND T.Approval = 1 AND T.IsDeleted = 0 GROUP BY T.CompanyId, T.AccountsId, T.branchId, L.CreationDate ) SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY L.CreationDate DESC) AS RowId, L.Id [Id], L.transactionsId [TransactionsId], L.amount [Amount], L.AccountId [AccountId], ROUND(ISNULL(CTE.FirstBalance, 0), 2) [FirstBalance] FROM p_Ledger L LEFT OUTER JOIN CTE ON L.AccountId = CTE.AccountsId AND L.CompanyId = CTE.CompanyId AND L.branchId = CTE.branchId AND L.CreationDate = CTE.CreationDate WHERE L.CreationDate BETWEEN '2024-11-01' AND '2025-02-11'
Code 2
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CreationDate DESC) AS RowId, Id AS [Id], transactionsId AS [TransactionsId], amount AS [Amount], AccountId AS [AccountId], ROUND(COALESCE(calc.FirstBalance, 0), 2) AS [FirstBalance] FROM p_Ledger L CROSS APPLY ( SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T.transactionStatusId = 1 THEN T.amount ELSE -T.amount END) AS FirstBalance FROM dbo.Transactions T WHERE T.Approval = 1 AND T.CompanyId = L.CompanyId AND T.AccountsId = L.AccountId AND T.IsDeleted = 0 AND T.transactionsDate < L.CreationDate AND T.branchId = L.branchId ) calc WHERE L.CreationDate >= '2024-11-01' AND L.CreationDate <= '2025-02-11' AND L.CompanyId = 117 AND L.branchId = 161
You should do some test to confirm which way is the best, and if they will get result correctly.
- olafhelperBronze Contributor
Is there another way to speed up the process?
A function is executed per source row and if the function runs queries, then of course that will be very slow.
Rewrite your query as one set-based query instead of using a function.