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Bill Campbell's avatar
Bill Campbell
Copper Contributor
Mar 13, 2018

Need some help with Script

I have a requirement to pull data from a SQL database and into Excel.


It is really pretty simple, however, I am not skilled enough in writing the SQL Script to make this work.

One of the columns of data - Pincomecode in a table that has 3 different results.  When the result in that column = GRPINS - I would like to have the result in a different column - GRPINSD.  When the value in the PIncomecode is Hourly or Salary then the result should be in a different column - RATED

I am having a problem with the script to make this happen.  What I don't know how to do is push that result into a different column.


I need a real simple SELECT statement that will pull select data from the various tables and I will then use it to create the necessary VIEW or use the Excel Get and Transform function to finish it in Excel.

Here is the simple script so far: but I need to get the value r.rate into a different column based on the value of r.pincomecode.  I want only one line per PEmployeeID


Like I said, this is simple and I know you (all) might laugh, but I need to figure this out - so thanks in advance.



a.PEmployeeID as 'EmployeeID',
a.PFirstName as 'FirstName',
a.PLastName as 'LastName',
(rtrim(a.PFirstName) +' '+ rtrim(a.PLastName)) as 'EmployeeName',

case a.PContractor
 when 1 then 'Contractor'
 when 0 then 'Employee'
End as 'Status',
a.PDepartment as 'DepartmentCode',
b.PDescription as 'DepartmentName',
a.PStartDate as 'StartDate',

(select r.PRate from cpy10140 r
where r.pincomecode ='GRPINS' and r.pemployeeid = @employid )

from CPY10100 a
join CPY10020 b on a.PDepartment = b.PDepartment
join CPY10140 r on a.PEmployeeID = r.PEmployeeID
where PInactive = 0
and r.PIncomeCode in ('GRPINS' , 'HOURLY' , 'SALARY')

  • Yan Grenier's avatar
    Yan Grenier
    Mar 15, 2018

    So I think for 1 employee (in table CPY10100 I suppose), you can have 0 or more CPY10140 lines.


    This case is more, you can try this, but because I don't know your schema nor your datas, you can have multiple lines for each employee if in CPY10140 table you have multiple lines for each PIncomeCode for one employee:


     a.PEmployeeID as 'EmployeeID',
     a.PFirstName as 'FirstName',
     a.PLastName as 'LastName',
     (rtrim(a.PFirstName) +' '+ rtrim(a.PLastName)) as 'EmployeeName',
     case a.PContractor
      when 1 then 'Contractor'
      when 0 then 'Employee'
     End as 'Status',
     a.PDepartment as 'DepartmentCode',
     b.PDescription as 'DepartmentName',
     a.PStartDate as 'StartDate',
     ratedLine.PRate as RATED,
     grpinsLine.PRate as GRPINSD
    from CPY10100 a 
     join CPY10020 b on a.PDepartment = b.PDepartment
     left join CPY10140 ratedLine on a.PEmployeeID = ratedLine.PEmployeeID and ratedLine.PIncomeCode in ('HOURLY' , 'SALARY')
     left join CPY10140 grpinsLine on a.PEmployeeID = grpinsLine.PEmployeeID and grpinsLine.PIncomeCode = 'GRPINS'
    where PInactive = 0 






  • Yan Grenier's avatar
    Yan Grenier
    Copper Contributor



    Adding the following 'case' in your SELECT clause, help you ?


      when r.pincomecode ='GRPINS' then r.PRate
      else null
     end as GRPINSD,
      when r.pincomecode in ('HOURLY', 'SALARY') then r.PRate
      else null
     end as RATED




    • Bill Campbell's avatar
      Bill Campbell
      Copper Contributor

      Ok, so that is so close.  It gets the value for r.PRate into two different columns - perfect - however - I get at least two lines per Employee ID


      I really need to just have the single line for each employee.


      Thanks so much for getting me this far.

      • Yan Grenier's avatar
        Yan Grenier
        Copper Contributor

        So I think for 1 employee (in table CPY10100 I suppose), you can have 0 or more CPY10140 lines.


        This case is more, you can try this, but because I don't know your schema nor your datas, you can have multiple lines for each employee if in CPY10140 table you have multiple lines for each PIncomeCode for one employee:


         a.PEmployeeID as 'EmployeeID',
         a.PFirstName as 'FirstName',
         a.PLastName as 'LastName',
         (rtrim(a.PFirstName) +' '+ rtrim(a.PLastName)) as 'EmployeeName',
         case a.PContractor
          when 1 then 'Contractor'
          when 0 then 'Employee'
         End as 'Status',
         a.PDepartment as 'DepartmentCode',
         b.PDescription as 'DepartmentName',
         a.PStartDate as 'StartDate',
         ratedLine.PRate as RATED,
         grpinsLine.PRate as GRPINSD
        from CPY10100 a 
         join CPY10020 b on a.PDepartment = b.PDepartment
         left join CPY10140 ratedLine on a.PEmployeeID = ratedLine.PEmployeeID and ratedLine.PIncomeCode in ('HOURLY' , 'SALARY')
         left join CPY10140 grpinsLine on a.PEmployeeID = grpinsLine.PEmployeeID and grpinsLine.PIncomeCode = 'GRPINS'
        where PInactive = 0 





