Forum Discussion

anonymous-user's avatar
Silver Contributor
Jun 20, 2017

Can OAuth2 be used for log ins to Stream site and/or to view Stream videos?

As the header says - I was wondering if access can be granted to the site (or individual videos) using OAuth2 please? I was also wondering if videos can be embedded in sites outside of the Stream site/SharePoint please?


Many thanks in advance!

  • Hi,


    At this point, anyone with work email needs to sign-up and once they do that, if they haven't used another service from Microsoft, an account in Active Directory is created where they pick a password.


    In other words, it's not possible to use existing credentials with OAuth today.


    When a video is embedded, it will show up a Sign up and Sign in link on the player if the user is not logged in. At that point user can sign-up and if they have access (e.g., video was open to entire Org), they can watch it then. If you need additional capabilities, please do share on the ideas board in the community.



  • Hi @rb


    OAuth hasn't come up in our disucssions yet. We'd really appreciate if you can share more details on the idea board or forum in terms of how you plan to use it the scenarios it enables for you.


    For embedding, the videos can be embedded anywhere. It's an iframe embed. The only limitation is that users have to be logged in, it can't be anonymous. Anonymous access is on our list of things to do and it's also on the idea bord Smiley Happy.


    Hope this helps!





  • anonymous-user's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Thanks very much Vishal - I will add the OAuth to the ideas board as you have suggested. Can I also check if there is any intention to incorporate OAuth into Stream please? 


    For the avoidance of doubt, can I just check if you can embed Stream videos on non-Microsoft sites in the same way that you would embed a YouTube video?


    Many thanks again!

  • Hi,


    At this point, anyone with work email needs to sign-up and once they do that, if they haven't used another service from Microsoft, an account in Active Directory is created where they pick a password.


    In other words, it's not possible to use existing credentials with OAuth today.


    When a video is embedded, it will show up a Sign up and Sign in link on the player if the user is not logged in. At that point user can sign-up and if they have access (e.g., video was open to entire Org), they can watch it then. If you need additional capabilities, please do share on the ideas board in the community.


