Forum Discussion
Feb 21, 2019Steel Contributor
PowerShell script to audit and export Channel content details of your Office 365 Stream
Following the previous script developed to audit Office 365 Video Portal:
Apr 07, 2022Copper Contributor
I've taken the liberty of rewriting this so most of the work is done programmatically, you just need to update a cookies file that looks like this:
UserSession_Api,,[Add Cookie Value]
Signature_Api,,[Add Cookie Value]
Signature,,[Add Cookie Value]
Authorization_Api,,[Add Cookie Value]
Authorization,,[Add Cookie Value]
Then you can run this script:
## Before you start go to this URL and login
## Then go to this URL$top=100&$orderby=publishedDate%20desc&$expand=creator,events&$filter=published%20and%20(state%20eq%20%27Completed%27%20or%20contentSource%20eq%20%27livestream%27)&adminmode=true&api-version=1.4-private&$skip=0
## Open the developer tools and go to Application, copy the Cookie values into cookies.csv
$cookiesCSVFilePath = ".\cookies.csv"
$outputCSVFilePath = ".\output.csv"
[string]$StreamPortalVideoViewRoot = ""
$WebSession = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
$cookies = Import-CSV $cookiesCSVFilePath
foreach ($cookie in $cookies) {
$newCookie = New-Object System.Net.Cookie
$newCookie.Name = $cookie.Name
$newCookie.Value = $cookie.Value
$newCookie.Domain = $cookie.Domain
$headerParams = @{
"ContentType" = "application/json"
$i = 0
$continue = $true
while ($continue -eq $true) {
$skip = ($i - 1) * 100
Write-Output "Getting videos $skip - $($skip + 100)"
$queryOptions = @{
Method = "GET"
URI = "`$top=100&`$orderby=publishedDate%20desc&`$expand=creator,events&`$filter=published%20and%20(state%20eq%20%27Completed%27%20or%20contentSource%20eq%20%27livestream%27)&adminmode=true&api-version=1.4-private&`$skip=$skip"
Headers = $headerParams
WebSession = $WebSession
try {
$videoResult = Invoke-RestMethod @queryOptions -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
Write-Output $_.exception.message
if ($videoResult.value.length -eq 0) {
$continue = $false
else {
foreach ($video in $videoResult.value) {
$videoInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
VideoID = $
VideoName = $
VideoURL = $StreamPortalVideoViewRoot + $
VideoCreatorName = $
VideoCreatorEmail = $video.creator.mail
VideoCreationDate = $video.created
VideoModificationDate = $video.modified
VideoLikes = $video.metrics.likes
VideoViews = $video.metrics.views
VideoComments = $video.metrics.comments
Videodescription = $video.description
VideoDuration = $
VideoHeight = $
VideoWidth = $
VideoIsAudioOnly = $
VideoContentType = $video.contentType
[array]$videoList += $videoInfo
$videoList | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation $outputCSVFilePath