Forum Discussion
Jun 20, 2017Silver Contributor
Stream Storage
Should we expect the storage for any new videos added to Stream to go against our SPO tenant storage as it does for Office 365 Video? Do new channels that are created create site collections, and can...
- Jun 20, 2017
@Bhowell for preview, the product is completely free and separate from Office 365 so no usage will impact your SharePoint tenant storage.
Also, it's not built on SharePoint so those constructs won't work with Microsoft Stream. If you are an Office subscriber you can continue to use Office 365 Video and at a future date once we have more details on our integration with Office 365, we can talk more to admin capabilities like management, etc.
Marc Mroz
Jun 21, 2017Stream storage and quota is not connected to or using SharePoint Online storage/quota.
The qutoa limits listed on the linked help doc are for within Stream itself.
Videos uploaded to Stream within a group or not, are NOT stored within SharePoint Online. We use O365 Groups for permissions/membership and settings but not for physical storage of the original video files. Videos uploaded to Stream are stored within the Stream service itself which is an Azure based service on top of Azure SQL, Blob, and Azure Media Services.
Jun 22, 2017How can we monitor how much storage is being consumed?
- Marc MrozJun 22, 2017
Right now in Stream you can't monitor how much storage is being consumed. We will be adding this ability in the near future so you can monitor how much storage you are using, what's consuming it, etc.
- Adrian HydeNov 02, 2017Steel Contributor
Marc Mroz wrote:Right now in Stream you can't monitor how much storage is being consumed. We will be adding this ability in the near future so you can monitor how much storage you are using, what's consuming it, etc.
Hi Marc Mroz - any updates on admins being able to track how much storage we are using? For us, we have some uncertainty about how we can adopt stream. We'd like to migrate the contents from another 3rd-party VoD system we own, but we don't know how much space we are currently using - and how much will be used when our O365 Video content is migrated.
Speaking of which - what will happen if the O365 Video migration takes us over our quota?
- Marc MrozNov 02, 2017
Hi @Marc Mroz - any updates on admins being able to track how much storage we are using?
Adrian Hyde - Yes we are finishing up development and testing now so the Stream Admins can see how much overall storage quota is being used and be notified when reaching x% of the limit.
See this screen shot from our development environment.
Speaking of which - what will happen if the O365 Video migration takes us over our quota?
If you happen to go over the Stream quota by virtue of us migrating all your videos from O365 Video to Stream, we'll just bump up your allowed storage quota so that you don't exceed the limit. You'll obviously need to buy more storage quota soon on Stream if that happens and you want to keep uploading more videos.
- Ivan54Jun 22, 2017Bronze ContributorI've asked this in another thread as well:
Are you open for discussion about the currently included tenant storage 500GB+0,5GB per user.
From my point of view, the current storage plans don't make any sense when looking across services.
There's SharePoint (which is for any kind of file, but preferably documents) with its 1TB included storage and on the other hand is Stream (designated for large video files), where only half a TB is included.
Currently I would highly discourage any users to upload any kind of smartphone footage directly to Stream. Current iPhone shoot at least 1080p, possibly even 4K.
Since the Stream documentation is currently unclear what exactly counts towards the used storage I'm assuming it is using the original file size. Uploading any raw footage would fill up those tiny 500GBs pretty fast.- HennSarvJun 23, 2017Brass Contributor
Ivan54 wrote:
I've asked this in another thread as well:
Are you open for discussion about the currently included tenant storage 500GB+0,5GB per user.
From my point of view, the current storage plans don't make any sense when looking across services.
There's SharePoint (which is for any kind of file, but preferably documents) with its 1TB included storage and on the other hand is Stream (designated for large video files), where only half a TB is included.
Totally agree the concern
Actually Office 365 provide 1TB per channel and actually channels are SP Site collections. I never find any space limitations there
month ago - during GA Anouncment I read - proposed storage was something nomber of videos per user, number of channels per user and number of channels per tenannt and number of videos per channel. Plus maximum size of one video. I don't remember those numbers but month agou anounced storage was something 500TB per tenant
500GB is really to small storage