Forum Discussion

drusome's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 08, 2020

VTT Cleaner website missing

I googled and found this post in the wrong forum:

The website is down.  Was it removed?


MichelleL-2384 asked · 15 hours ago

Hello, Can you please tell me why the web address has been removed? This VTT cleaner was extremely helpful.



  • drusome naomiii  ericlott KWildman Thx to everyone in this thread for participating till now!
    I could access the cached version of the VTTCleaner and view the html source. I extracted the code and I have written a PowerShell script to clean a VTT file. It is in my GitHub repo now. See:
    .\Clean-MicrosoftStreamVttFile.ps1 -File MicrosoftStreamVideoTranscriptDemo.vtt
    Result is a clean text output in file MicrosoftStreamVideoTranscriptDemo.vttcleaned.
    I hope this can help someone!

  • KWildman's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi drusome and everyone, I did some searching (I couldn't use the cached file that one of the responders mentioned). So I did some searching and found these instructions. They clean the VVT file just like the microsoft docs link did. There's a few steps but super easy, takes a few minutes. Hope this helps.


    - Copy and paste all text from the VVT file into Excel. Select all.

    - Do a find and replace on NOTE* and replace with a blank

    - Do a find and replace on *-* and replace with a blank

    - Then to get rid of the blank rows, do ctrl G to open the "Go to" popup. Click "Special". Select "Blanks".

    - In the Home menu of Excel, go to the "Cells" section. Click the "Delete" drop down and select "delete sheet rows".

    - Copy the text to Word, use the paste special function to copy just the text so as not to copy the text in the rows.

    - In Word: do CTRL A to select all, CTRL H to find and replace, click MORE, then under special, choose paragraph mark, then replace all.

    - Your data is now ready for editing. :stareyes:

  • naomiii's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I also just noticed the VTT cleaner missing. This app was indispensable for making sense of Stream transcripts! Not sure what else to use... drusome 

    • drusome's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hi naomiii ,


      I did a google search for VTTcleaner, and then clicked on the google cache version.  It works for now, but I'm worried that it will go away too..




      • KWildman's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Hi drusome the VVT cleaner with link to Microsoft docs doesn't even come up in my searches now. I guess there's no way I can find the cached version now, can you comment?
