Forum Discussion
Mar 07, 2022Brass Contributor
Firewall settings: Source IP range for Ms Graph call notifications
Hi everybody,
we have configured a calling BOT with an Webhook (for calling) URL like
Which source ip ranges do we have to open in the firewall settings for this notifications?
We need a list of all Microsoft Cloud Servers, which sends this call notifications.
Thanks for your help.
- Sayali-MSFT
relkniw- Please have a look at this doc-
1.Set up notifications for changes in user data - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Docs
Let us know if you have any query.- relkniwBrass Contributor
We knew these document, but it's not helpful for us. We have opened all ports within these document.
But we are looking for the Server IP addresses for call notifications. If we make a telephone call to our bot, we get notifications from different servers:
First try the notification cames from source, then when we try again the notifications came from source
These adresses are not listed in the document.
So every time we make a call to our bot, the source ip address of the notification changes. And we need a list of all possible source ip adresses.
- Sayali-MSFT
relkniw - We are checking it engineering team and let you know if we get any updates.
- Sayali-MSFT
relkniw-We are looking into this I will get back to you soon.